


...released blue warning of typhoon to cope with Typhoon Yutu

The power squeeze has compelled multiple provinces in China to implement power rationing, with factory operation hours limited and power usage capped. Factories across various industries, including furniture, food and chemical pr...

Houston Chinese cope with flood on WeChat

This year's 26th typhoon Yutu is predicted to move westward at the rate of 20 km per hour and enter eastern coastal areas of South China Sea around the nightfall. In the following 12 hours, its intensity will dimini...

China can cope with any US rate hike turbulence

Zilin is one of the many Chinese living in Houston seeking help through WeChat. Similar messages were passed around the social media website since the storm began pounding Houston with relentless rain. Many messages were ...

Greece Struggles to Cope with Migrants

So far, the Chinese economy remains sound, with its first-quarter GDP growth at 6.9 percent, laying a solid foundation for it to achieve its growth target of at least 6.5 percent this year. The May macroeconomic data...

法国高考题现英文生僻词cope with 考生请愿取消该题计分

But most EU members have rejected a proposed EU quota mandating that they accept a percentage of the refugees. This is particularly true of countries in Eastern Europe or n...

Premier calls for improved system to cope with disasters

[摘要]出题人使用了“cope with”(应对)词组,考试认为过于“生僻” 有着法国“高考”之称的法国高中毕业会考正在如火如荼地进行,一道英语考试题近日吸引了不少法国人的关注,原因在于,不少考生认为这道试题在设置问题时使用了“生僻”...

Weather forecast helps sectors to cope with heat wave and...

Li promised to improve the quake-jolted region's infrastructure, including repairing roads and setting up pipelines with drinkable water. The different levels of local government should play the main role in the natural disas...


In order to cope with the current heat wave and drought disasters, related departments and sectors also set meteorological monitoring and forecasting information as the very basis for decision-making, including National Health ...
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