The meaning of COURTESY is behavior marked by polished manners or respect for others : courteous behavior. How to use courtesy in a sentence.
COURTESY meaning: 1. polite behaviour, or a polite action or remark: 2. by permission of: 3. because of: . Learn more.
Synonyms for COURTESIES: services, privileges, benevolences, graces, mercies, favors, indulgences, benefits; Antonyms of COURTESIES: obstacles, impediments ...
Rather, they want to show their power by playing with the courtesies of public life they are so energetically destroying. The Guardian (2019) The title acquires a double meaning as he becomes worthy, to his puzzlement, of common courtesies. The Guardian (2021)
5 meanings: 1. politeness; good manners 2. a courteous gesture or remark 3. favour or consent (esp in the phrase by courtesy.... Click for more definitions.
a. Consent or agreement in spite of fact; indulgence: They call this pond a lake by courtesy only.
A courtesy is a polite remark or respectful act. Complain about a bad meal, and you might get kicked out. But the common courtesy is usually an apology from the manager and, if you're lucky, a free dinner.
an exchange of courtesies before the meeting; The prime minister was welcomed with the usual courtesies. Word Origin Middle English: from Old French cortesie, from corteis, based on Latin cohors 'yard, retinue'. Idioms. courtesy of somebody/something (also by courtesy of somebody/something)
COURTESY meaning: 1. behaviour that is polite and shows respect, or a polite action or remark: 2. If you have…. Learn more.
Learn the meaning and usage of the word courtesy as a noun and an adjective. Find out how to express polite behavior, kindness, and gratitude with courtesy in different contexts.