The meaning of CUSS is curse. How to use cuss in a sentence.
CUSS definition: 1. to say words that are not polite because you are angry 2. a person of the bad type mentioned…. Learn more.
Cuss is simply an American alteration of curse, and its meaning "to say bad words" was first recorded in 1815. Swearing. How does swear come to simultaneously mean "to bind oneself by oath," and "to use profane oaths or language"? The earliest swear words were identical to curse words — taking the Christian God's name in vain ...
X was a clever enough cuss to wipe off most of his fingerprints at the scene. Moore, Margaret FORESTS OF THE NIGHT (1999) Fred Wye seemed like a decent sort of cuss, Peter thought, too bad his brother wasn't more like him. MacLeod, Charlotte SOMETHING IN THE WATER (1999)
Synonyms for CUSS: curse, swear, language, profanity, expletive, cussword, epithet, vulgarism, obscenity, swearword
Cuss definition: . See examples of CUSS used in a sentence.
Learn the meaning, usage and origin of the word cuss, a slang term for curse or swear. Find synonyms, antonyms, translations and examples of cuss in different contexts.
X was a clever enough cuss to wipe off most of his fingerprints at the scene. Moore, Margaret FORESTS OF THE NIGHT (1999) Her hair was awry and she had one hand on one jutting hip indignantly, her eyes half-closed in a cuss. Davis, John Gordon SEIZE THE RECKLESS WIND (1999) More .
cuss (someone) out or cuss out (someone) US, informal: to say angry and offensive words to (someone) He cussed me out for crashing his pickup truck. We got cussed out [=cursed out] by the boss for missing the deadline. [+] more examples [-] hide examples [+] Example sentences [-] Hide examples.
utter obscenities or profanities. DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word 'cuss'.Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Vocabulary.com or its editors. Send us feedback