


Get to Know Our Company - Damm Corporate

Damm presents IAmm, its data and artificial intelligence hub. The company is moving closer towards its goal of becoming a data driven enterprise by creating a centre of excellence that drives innovation and the development of AI and data-driven solutions across the organisation

About Us | Damm Corporate

Damm is a company that produces and distributes beer, water, drinks, coffee, milk and other products in Spain and abroad. It also offers restaurant, logistics and other services, and has a long history and a social responsibility.

DAMM Cellular Systems | Keeping operations connected

DAMM provides TETRA and DMR infrastructure and applications for various industries and sectors. Learn how DAMM can help you with reliable, secure and life-saving collaboration in the most demanding environments.

Estrella Damm - The Mediterranean Beer | Damm

Estrella Damm is a lager beer brewed in Spain since 1876, using barley malt, rice and hops. It has a golden colour, a fresh aroma and a bitter finish, and has won many awards worldwide.

S.A. Damm - Wikipedia

S.A. Damm produces Estrella Damm, Voll-Damm, Xibeca and other beers since 1876. It is the main brewery in Barcelona and has shareholders from Spain, Germany and Canary Islands.

Descobreix Totes les Nostres Cerveses | Damm

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Conoce Nuestra Compañía | Damm Corporate

Damm Corporate es una empresa española que produce y distribuye cervezas, refrescos y otros productos. En su web puedes conocer sus noticias, su historia, sus compromisos sociales y sus marcas.

Damn Delicious Recipes | Simple Delicious Food Recipes

Find simple, delicious recipes with easy ingredients. From quick meals to elegant dishes, Damn Delicious brings flavorful food recipes for every occasion.

Estrella Damm - Wikipedia

Estrella Damm is a lager beer brewed in Barcelona, Spain since 1876. It is the oldest beer brand in Spain and has a five-pointed red star as its symbol and name.

Home - DAMM Environmental Limited

DAMM Environmental is a family-owned company that provides 24/7 emergency and planned drainage and environmental solutions for public and private sectors. Whether you need oil spill clean-up, CCTV inspection, civils works, or winter maintenance, DAMM can help you with their expertise and equipment.
