dirt翻译:肮脏, 尘土,泥土,灰尘, 泥土, 污物, 流言蜚语, (私生活的)丑闻。了解更多。
earth, clay, dirt, land, dust, soil, mud, ground. 这些名词都有"土地,土,泥"之意。 earth : 多指地表带有水分的泥土,较具体。; clay : 特指潮湿时发粘,而火烤后变坚硬的泥土。; dirt : 指地表的干松泥土。; land : 含义笼统。 指与河流、海洋相对的陆地,也指可耕种的土地。
必应词典为您提供dirt的释义,美[dɜː(r)t],英[dɜː(r)t],n. 污垢;泥;〈非正式〉丑闻; 网络释义: 尘埃;泥土;污物;
dirt的意思是:n. 污物,尘土;泥土,松土;丑闻,流言蜚语 adj. 土的,泥的。学考宝为您提供dirt是什么意思,dirt翻译,dirt短语搭配,dirt权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。
DIRT的意思、解释及翻译:1. dust, soil, or any substance that makes a surface not clean: 2. soil on the ground: 3. solid…。了解更多。
dirt翻譯:骯髒, 塵土,泥土,灰塵, 泥土, 汙物, 流言蜚語, (私生活的)醜聞。了解更多。
1. 汙物;爛泥;灰塵 Wash that dirt off your hands. 把你手上的髒東西洗掉。 2. 泥,土; 3. 無價值的東西 He treats her like dirt.他待她如敝屣。 4. 色情描寫;下流話; 5. 【口】閒話;醜聞
However, if under such a situation of uncertainties and with so many requests made by the public ― including the accusation of selling public assets at dirt-cheap prices and some minimum requests, such as offering concessionary fares and certain essential services (such as the provision of toilets) to people with disabilities, and if we fail to clarify these unsolved issues, thus resulting ...
2011-02-27 or don\'t dirth the hands是什么意思 2015-05-10 happydirthday什么意思 2014-12-05 dirthday dinner是什么意思 2007-12-14 happy dirthday 中文是什么意思 2011-07-30 bob puts his dirth clothes his... 2011-03-26 My mother,s dirthday is in may... My mother,s dirthday is in may...
Adjective. 1. soiled or likely to soil with dirt or grime; "dirty unswept sidewalks" "a child in dirty overalls" "dirty slums" "piles of dirty dishes" "put his dirty feet on the clean sheet" "wore an unclean shirt" "mining is a dirty job" "Cinderella did the dirty work while her sisters preened themselves". 2.