


Divisor - Wikipedia

A divisor of an integer is an integer that can be multiplied by some integer to produce the original number. Learn about the types, rules, and functions of divisors, as well as related concepts such as prime numbers, perfect numbers, and divisor lattices.

Divisor, Dividend, Quotient Meaning in Maths | Examples - BYJU'S

Learn what a divisor is in mathematics, how to represent it and how to find its divisors. See examples of divisors of different numbers and test your knowledge with a quiz.

Divisor - Definition, Formula, Properties, Examples, Facts - SplashLearn

Learn what a divisor is in math, how to identify it, and how to use it in division problems. Find out the difference between divisors and factors, the properties of divisors, and some facts and examples.

What is a Divisor? - Definition, Formula, Examples and Properties

Learn what a divisor is, how to find divisors of a number, and the properties of divisors. Compare divisors with factors and dividends, and see examples of divisors for different numbers.

Divisor Definition (Illustrated Mathematics Dictionary) - Math is Fun

Learn what a divisor is and how to use it in division problems. A divisor is the number we divide by or a number that divides an integer exactly.

What is a Divisor in Math? (Definition, Examples) - BYJUS

Learn what a divisor is in math, how to find it, and the difference between a divisor and a factor. See solved examples of divisor problems and FAQs on the topic.

Divisor Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster

The meaning of DIVISOR is the number by which a dividend is divided. the number by which a dividend is divided… See the full definition. Games; Games; Word of the Day; Grammar; Wordplay; Rhymes; Word Finder; Thesaurus; Join MWU; Shop; Books; Merch; Settings; My Words; Recents; Account; Log Out More. Thesaurus; Join MWU;

Divisor - Math.net

Learn what a divisor is in a division problem, how to find it, and how to distinguish it from a factor. See the divisor formula with and without remainder, and the table of divisors for integers 1 to 15.

Dividend, Divisor, Quotient and Remainder - GeeksforGeeks

Learn the terms and concepts of division, such as dividend, divisor, quotient and remainder, with examples and formulas. Find out the types of division, such as exact division, division with remainder, long division and short division.

Divisors - Definition, Formula, 20+ Examples, Properties

Learn what divisors are, how to find them, and their properties with clear explanations and examples. Explore the difference between factors and divisors, and the role of divisors in division and multiplication operations.
