



DORS helps Marylanders with disabilities find and keep jobs and live independently. Learn about DORS services, locations, and resources in seven languages and Braille.

IDHS: Rehabilitation Services - Illinois Department of Human Services

DRS is the state's lead agency for individuals with disabilities in Illinois. It offers services to help them achieve full community participation through employment, education, and independent living opportunities.

How Can DORS Help Me? - Division of Rehabilitation Services

DORS will assign a counselor who w ill talk with you about DORS services and find out if you are eligible for these services. Many DORS counselors are specially trained to work with specific groups like high school students or individuals who are deaf/hard-of-hearing, blind or have persistent mental illness.

Home Services Program (HSP) - Illinois Department of Human Services

What services are offered? Our program offers numerous options for independence: Personal Assistant (PA): Provides assistance with household tasks, personal care and, with permission of a doctor, certain health care procedures.PAs are selected, employed, and supervised by individual customers.

Request DORS Services

DORS provides various services for people with disabilities who want to work, live independently, or improve their vision. Choose the type of services you need and request DORS online.

Home Services Program - Illinois Department of Human Services

What is the purpose of this service? The Home Services Program (HSP) provides services to individuals with severe disabilities so they can remain in their homes and be as independent as possible.

DORS Home Care Trainings - SEIU Healthcare

FREE PAID TRAINING FOR DORS PERSONAL ASSISTANTS. The assistance with household tasks and personal care that DORS Personal Assistants provide to persons with a disability is critical for them to live independently. PAs bargained and won a paid training program as part of their contract with the State of Illinois.

DORS Home Care Contract Approved by Members! - SEIU Healthcare

New training requirements for new hires and incumbent workers: All DORS IPs are required to attend their new hire or annual trainings. New Provider Orientation for New Hires: Effective July 1, 2024: new workers will have one month upon starting services to attend paid training and shall also receive payment for attending their union orientation ...

About DORS - Division of Rehabilitation Services

DORS is composed of the public vocational rehabilitation (VR) employment services program and the Disability Determination Services. The public VR program includes: The Office of Field Services, which prepares people with disabilities to go to work, stay on the job, or prepare for the world of work. Rehabilitation counselors in offices ...

DHS: Rehabilitation Services: Apply Online - Illinois

Illinois Department of Human Services JB Pritzker, Governor · Dulce Quintero, Secretary IDHS Office Locator. IDHS Help Line 1-800-843-6154 1-866-324-5553 TTY We hope you like our new design.
