A drogue or storm drogue is a device trailed behind a boat on a long line attached to the stern. A drogue is used to slow the boat down in a storm and to prevent the hull from becoming side-on to the waves. A boat that has deployed a drogue should not overspeed down the slope of a wave and crash into the next one, ...
$\begingroup$ @jwenting Some -135s can be fitted with pods; it also supports a metallic drogue adapter on the end of the boom (which according to Wiki is even more of a pain to deal with than a regular drogue). The -10 doesn't even need underwing pods (although some can take them); it has a roughly-centerline hose-and-drogue built in. As for foreign forces, while foreign-built aircraft all use ...
The meaning of DROGUE is sea anchor. At an altitude of about 24,500 feet, two small drogue parachutes unfurled, slowing and stabilizing the Starliner. — William Harwood, CBS News, 7 Sep. 2024 On decent, a pair of drogue chutes are deployed to slow the craft, followed by three main chutes. — Jennifer Borresen, USA TODAY, 5 June 2024 After crossing the panhandle of Florida, now flying at ...
A drogue parachute, also called drag chute, is a parachute designed for deployment from a rapidly moving object. It can be used for various purposes, such as to decrease speed, to provide control and stability, as a pilot parachute to deploy a larger parachute or a combination of these.
Learn how drogues and sea anchors work and when to use them for different sailing conditions. Drogues are deployed from the stern to slow down and stabilize the boat, while sea anchors are deployed from the bow to hold the boat head to wind.
Jordan Series Drogue is a safety device designed to prevent the capsize and damage of both monohull and multihull sailing yachts and other vessels operating in the open ocean, in the event of a "worst case" breaking wave strike, as well as improving the motion of the boat in storm waves and to reduce drift.
Drogue is a word with various meanings in nautical, aeronautical, and other contexts. Learn the different types of drogues, their functions, and their origins from various sources.
5 meanings: 1. any funnel-like device, esp one of canvas, used as a sea anchor 2. a. a small parachute released behind a jet.... Click for more definitions.
Drogue definition: . See examples of DROGUE used in a sentence.
Definition of drogue noun in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more.