


Ear - Wikipedia

Learn about the structure and function of the ear, the organ that enables hearing and balance in mammals. The article covers the outer, middle and inner ear, as well as their development, blood supply, clinical significance and other animals.

Ear: Anatomy, Facts & Function - Cleveland Clinic

Ear infection treatment usually involves antibiotics. In severe cases, ear tubes may be necessary. Eustachian tube dysfunction. Your eustachian tubes connect your middle ears to your throat. When you yawn, sneeze or swallow, your eustachian tubes open to equalize the pressure inside of your ears.

Human ear | Structure, Function, & Parts | Britannica

The human ear, like that of other mammals, contains sense organs that serve two quite different functions: that of hearing and that of postural equilibrium and coordination of head and eye movements. Anatomically, the ear has three distinguishable parts: the outer, middle, and inner ear.The outer ear consists of the visible portion called the auricle, or pinna, which projects from the side of ...

Ear Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster

The meaning of EAR is the characteristic vertebrate organ of hearing and equilibrium consisting in the typical mammal of a sound-collecting outer ear separated by the tympanic membrane from a sound-transmitting middle ear that in turn is separated from a sensory inner ear by membranous fenestrae. How to use ear in a sentence.

Inner Ear: Anatomy, Function & Related Disorders - Cleveland Clinic

The outer ear is the part you see and your ear canal. The middle ear is a box-shaped area behind your tympanic membrane (eardrum) that includes the three smallest bones in your body. And the inner ear is just beyond the middle ear, in a small hole in the temporal bones that help make up the sides of your skull.

Ear Anatomy, Function, and Care - Verywell Health

Otitis Externa (Swimmer's ear): A bacterial or fungal infection in the ear canal that results in ear pain and pressure as well as a fever; Cerumen: Excessive wax build-up that blocks passages between the outer and middle ear and affects hearing; Auricular hematoma: Also called cauliflower ear. This is a collection of blood in the outer ear that ...

Ear anatomy: Parts and functions - Kenhub

The ear is a complex part of an even more complex sensory system. It is situated bilaterally on the human skull, at the same level as the nose.The main functions of the ear are, of course, hearing, as well as constantly maintaining balance. The ear is anatomically divided into three portions:

Human ear - Anatomy, Hearing, Balance | Britannica

Human ear - Anatomy, Hearing, Balance: The most-striking differences between the human ear and the ears of other mammals are in the structure of the outermost part, the auricle. In humans the auricle is an almost rudimentary, usually immobile shell that lies close to the side of the head. It consists of a thin plate of yellow elastic cartilage covered by closely adherent skin.

How the Ear Works - Johns Hopkins Medicine

The Outer Ear. The auricle (pinna) is the visible portion of the outer ear. It collects sound waves and channels them into the ear canal (external auditory meatus), where the sound is amplified. The sound waves then travel toward a flexible, oval membrane at the end of the ear canal called the eardrum, or tympanic membrane.

Anatomy and Physiology of the Ear | UMass Memorial Health

What is the ear? The ear is the organ of hearing and balance. The parts of the ear include: External or outer ear, consisting of: Pinna or auricle. This is the outside part of the ear. External auditory canal or tube. This is the tube that connects the outer ear to the inside or middle ear. Tympanic membrane (eardrum).
