


FedEx Global Home - Select Your Location

FedEx.com is the official website of FedEx, a global leader in express delivery and e-commerce solutions. To access FedEx services in China, select 中国 from the list of locations and languages.

全球快递国际托运服务 | FedEx 中国

联邦快递致力于向企业客户提供全球覆盖的国际快递服务和解决方案,通过个性化的定制服务满足您的托运需求,包括往返中国的进出口快递服务。 登录您的帐户,或详细了解如何优化寄件方式、打印优惠或为您的小型业务获取灵感。

Track & Ship Online or Find Nearby Locations | FedEx

Use the Fedex.com site to login to your FedEx account, get your tracking status, find a FedEx near you, learn more about how to become a better shipper, get online print offers, or get inspiration for your small business needs.

国际包裹和货物跟踪 | FedEx 中国

在 FedEx 中国的官方网站上,您可以输入追踪号码或参考编号,查询您的国际包裹和货物的状态和递送证明。您还可以登录查询,定制追踪,或使用移动设备上的 FedEx 追踪工具。

International shipping | FedEx China

FedEx ® Third Party Consignee International Priority Service. Keeping it low-profile? We provide an option to let you keep the commercial value of your package confidential. FedEx Special Services via TNT. Our dedicated Special Services team is on hand 24x7 to create a customized solution for you. FedEx International Priority ® DirectDistribution

Worldwide Express Delivery Services for International Shipping | FedEx ...

FedEx offers companies international express delivery services and solutions worldwide that are tailored to your shipping needs, including to and from China. Login to your account or learn more about how to become a better shipper, printing offers, or get inspiration for your small business.

International Parcel & Cargo Tracking | FedEx China

FedEx Tracking for mobile is our most convenient tracking tool, giving you updates while you're on the go so you can stay on top of your shipments 24/7 and from any location. It offers all the power of FedEx Tracking in the palm of your hand. Key Benefits Track from anywhere at any time;

寄送包裹 | FedEx 中国

无论您需要进行国际托运的是重要文件、包裹还是重货,都可以从丰富多样的 FedEx 托运服务中进行选择,找到最能满足您需求的选项。 我如何订购联邦快递包装材料?

国际快递托运服务 | FedEx 中国

联邦快递国际特早快递服务 我们在全球主要市场提供特早快递(包含清关、门到门服务),确保收件人在清晨便能收到货件。 联邦快递国际优先快递 特快服务 1 至 3 个工作日后的 10:30 或中午前送达,仅限亚洲、美国、加拿大和欧洲的指定市场。

客户支持| FedEx 中国

FedEx 中国提供快递、寄件、取件、包装等服务,以及客户支持、案例查询、关税与税金等信息。您可以通过电话、电子邮件或在线聊天联系 FedEx Express 客户服务部,或访问 FedEx 官网获取更多服务和优惠。
