
fill with和full of怎么区别


fill with和be filled with和be full of的用法和区别 ... - 知乎

be full of 和 be filled with 意思上没太大区别。语法上full是形容词,filled是动词变的"形容词",介词of和with就是个固定习惯。 fill with是有的 《4000 Essential》 里的例句:A lung fills with air when breathing. 我个人倾向于把它解释为,"被动表主动",类似的例句《4000》里 ...

fill with和full of怎么区别 - 百度知道

full of:词性为介词短语,full of是一个介词短语,由full(充满)和of(某物)组成。 通过下面的表格我们了解下fill with和full of的含义、发音和用法 接下来让我们看下fill with和full of的用法区别:

Q:Be full of 和 be filled with 可以互換嗎? - 英語之家 - The Home of English

A:這兩個動詞片語雖都意為「充滿,裝滿」,但含意並不相同,所以不能互換。 Full of 中的 full 為形容詞,意為「滿的」,但 full of 的含意是 having or containing a lot of things or people or a lot of something,而 filled with 的含意是 making something full 或 becoming full of something,其中 filled 為動詞 fill 的過去分詞形容詞。

be full of 和 be filled with有什么区别 - 百度知道

be full of 和 be filled with有什么区别1、结构不同be full of 是主动结构,be filled with 被动结构。2、侧重点不同be full of更强调状态,尤其强调"满满的"状态;be filled with更强调动态的过程。例如:This r

[詞彙區別] be filled with 與 be full of 的區別 - bilinguallens.com

fill (with something): 使某物充滿某物;變得充滿某物. Her eyes were filled with tears. 她的眼睛充滿了淚水。 The sails were filled with wind. 帆被風吹得鼓鼓的。 The room was filled with balloons (by the man). 房間被(那個男人)裝滿了氣球。 Her heart was filled with sadness after reading the story.

「full of」用法指南:理解其與「filled with」的差異 | 伊芙林多益

「full of」用法:Q:Be full of 和 be filled with 可以互換嗎? 在英語中,「full of」和「filled with」是兩個常見的詞組,均可表達「充滿」的意思,但它們之間存在一些微妙的區別。雖然這兩個短語有時被認為可以互換使用,實際上,選擇哪個更適合取決於語境。

be full of 和be filled with区别 - 语法 - 英才学习网

The future seems to be full of hope. 前途看来充满希望。 The air seemed to be full of pink mist. 空中弥漫着粉红色的雾。 All at once, I noticed that my wife seemed to be filled with alarm. 我突然觉察到我的妻子好象十分惊恐。 On a clear night, the sky appears to be filled with stars. 在晴朗的夜晚, 天空 ...

fill with和full of的区别 - 百度知道

be filled with与be full of的区别:be filled with为系表结构,例如:The young man is filled with joy.那青年内心充满喜悦。 The soldiers were filled with anger.战士们满腔怒火。 full of是短语形容词,含义与filled with相近,可充当状语、定语(后置)、或表语。如:

fill with/fill...with/be filled with/be full of 的区别? - 知乎

fill with=be filled with 这里的意思都是用什么填满,所表答的意思是一样的,但是他们的句子构成不一样而已,我想你应该是把这里be filled理解为动词的过去分词表被动了吧,按你的理解,那末这个短语构成就是be+动词的过去分词,实际上这里的filled是一个形容词,这是一个be+形容词+介词的形式而已 ...

高中英语知识点:be filled with 、be full of的用法_The - 搜狐

1 、 be filled with = be full of. be filled with = be full of 充满,装满 如:. The bottle is filled with water . 瓶子里装满了水。 注意: Filled with courage , he went into the cave . 此处 filled 表示 " 充满了的 " 指处于一种状态。. 比较: be crowded with 挤满的,与 be filled with 有所不同。 如: The room is crowded with guests.
