


GIOVANE in English - Cambridge Dictionary

GIOVANE - translate into English with the Italian-English Dictionary - Cambridge Dictionary

English translation of 'giovane' - Collins Online Dictionary

English Translation of "GIOVANE" | The official Collins Italian-English Dictionary online. Over 100,000 English translations of Italian words and phrases.

giovane translation in English | Italian-English dictionary - Reverso

Il manager ha deciso di affidarsi al giovane closer nei momenti cruciali.: The manager decided to trust the young closer during crucial moments.: Il giovane atleta era emozionato di gareggiare per la prima volta.: The young runner was excited to compete for the first time.: Il suo rimpianto di non aver viaggiato di più da giovane era palpabile.: Her regret about not traveling more when she ...

What does giovane mean in Italian? - WordHippo

English words for giovane include young, young man, youth, youthful, young woman, youngster, junior, juvenile and green. Find more Italian words at wordhippo.com!

GIOVANE definition | Cambridge Dictionary

GIOVANE - translate into English with the Italian-English Dictionary - Cambridge Dictionary

GIOVANE - Translation in English - bab.la

Un giovane che non sia soggetto alla tentazione potrà evitare di cadere nellʼ assuefazione. A young person who is not subject to temptation can avoid the trap of addiction. giovane. volume_up. youngling {noun} (young person) IT giovane {masculine} volume_up. general "donna" "uomo" 1. general . giovane ...

giovane - Wiktionary, the free dictionary

giovane m or f by sense (plural giovani, diminutive giovanétto or (more common) giovinétto or (also referring to animals) giovanìno or (jocular) giovincèllo, augmentative giovanòtto or giovinòtto, derogatory giovinàstro or (uncommon) giovinàccio) a youth; a young man or woman

giovane in English - Italian-English Dictionary | Glosbe

Translation of "giovane" into English . young, youth, youngster are the top translations of "giovane" into English. Sample translated sentence: Dobbiamo tenere in conto il fatto che è giovane. ↔ We must take into account the fact that he is young.

giovane - Translation into English - examples Italian - Reverso Context

Translations in context of "giovane" in Italian-English from Reverso Context: il giovane, da giovane, il più giovane, molto giovane, troppo giovane per. Translation Grammar Check Context Dictionary Vocabulary. Vocabulary Documents Synonyms Conjugation Collaborative Dictionary Grammar Expressio Reverso Corporate.

giovane, translation in English | Italian-English dictionary - Reverso

giovane, translation in Italian - English Reverso dictionary, see also 'giovanile, giovenca, giovare, Giove', examples, definition, conjugation
