
go home为什么没有to


Myanmar residents begin to go home

地方政府也不支持“Go To Campaign”,特别是疫情最严重的东京,刚刚连任东京都知事的小池百合子就呼吁民众减少外出,她还希望对社会活动实施更为严格的限制,以抑制东京的疫情反弹。有...

我们学的是 go to school,为啥老外都说 go to the school?

"About 10 million yuan ($1.5 million) has been spent on water, food, daily necessities and medical care. They are satisfied with the conditions. We'll help them go back home as soon as possible," Meng said...


I forgot to bring my homework home. I have to ( ) to pick it up.我忘记把作业带回家了,得去学校拿一下。A. go to school B. go to the school 这个空应该怎么填呢?同学们可以在 ...

Go home居然不是「回家」?哪里错了?

A. I didn’t go to school B. I have a terrible headache. C. I took the kids shopping today. D. It is a beautiful dress. 52. —What’s the matter John? ---你怎么了,约翰? —_...

老外常说的“I'm home”不是“我在家”,理解错可就尴尬了!

Go home!从哪儿来滚回哪儿去!卷铺盖给我走人!He has often performed his own work at home and abroad.在自己国家和在国外,他都有经常表演自己的作品。home 家乡;祖国 hometown 家...

男生对你说“send you home”是“要送你回家”?理解错误很尴尬!

在中文里,有“背井离乡”这个成语,背指“离开(leave)”,井指“家乡(home village)”,多形容由于生活不下去,被迫离开家乡。 那么,用英文怎么说呢?可以翻译为go away from home。当然,也可以说(be forced) to leave one's hometown...


to make you go home by yourself. 我让你回家去,独自! 而我们说的"送你回家" 是陪你一块回去 那send you home 什么时候还可以用? NO.2 send you home啥时候用? 上学逃课的时候

【有声绘本故事】《The Smartest Giant in town》城里最漂亮的巨人

said Clym. “I am glad you have found me out. I shall soon want you to go to Blooms-End and assist me in putting the house in order. I suppose it is all locked up as I left...


He was about to go home when he heard a sound. 他正准备回家的时候突然听到了什么声音。 On the pavement stood a giraffe who was sniffing sadly. 一个长颈鹿正在人行道上悲伤地啜...
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