Godwits are large, migratory birds of the genus Limosa, with straight or slightly upturned bills and long legs. They feed on aquatic worms and molluscs, and have distinctive plumages and calls. Learn about their taxonomy, distribution, ecology and fossil history.
Learn about the identification, habitat, behavior, and conservation of the Marbled Godwit, a species in the Sandpipers and Allies family. See images, sounds, and maps of this bird that probes into sand or mud with its bicolored bill.
The godwit's epic flight — the longest nonstop migration of a land bird in the world — lasts from eight to 10 days and nights through pounding rain, high winds and other perils. It is so ...
This big cinnamon-colored sandpiper inhabits the northern Great Plains in summer. When it leaves the prairies, the Marbled Godwit goes to coastal regions and becomes quite gregarious. Large flocks roost together in the salt meadows at high tide, or stand together in shallow water above the flats, probing deeply in the mud with their long bills.
Learn about godwit, a genus of four species of large, long-billed shorebirds that nest in the Northern Hemisphere. Find out their characteristics, distribution, and conservation status.
The bar-tailed godwit is a "Near Threatened" species. 1. Marbled Godwit Limosa fedoa. The Limosa fedoa is the largest godwit species that breed in the western Canadian Prairies and a part of the US Great Plains region. The birds migrate to warmer areas for wintering.
Hudsonian Godwits are graceful shorebirds with long, slightly upturned bills, long legs, and a glorious breeding plumage of gold, brown, and brick red. They wade through arctic bogs and tidal mudflats, using their long bills to reach deep into the mud for invertebrate prey. They change to a subtle gray-brown nonbreeding plumage, and then undertake an incredible migration—nearly 10,000 miles ...
The marbled godwit (Limosa fedoa) is a large migratory shorebird in the family Scolopacidae. On average, it is the largest of the four species of godwit. Taxonomy. In 1750 the English naturalist George Edwards included an illustration and a description of the marbled godwit in the third volume of his A Natural History of Uncommon Birds. He used ...
Learn about the Hudsonian godwit, a shorebird that flies 6,000 miles non-stop from Alaska to Chile and back every year. Discover how scientists study its breeding, migration and conservation in this article by Jim Robbins.
Learn about the Black-tailed Godwit, a large wading bird with a long beak and legs, and distinctive striped wings. Find out where to see them in the UK, how to identify them, and their conservation status.