


Worth it to mine grin31 with 1080ti? : r/NiceHash - Reddit

1080ti Grin31 = £1.40 a day for myself. If i factor in my electric which is £0.22Kwh i make a profit of £0.20-£0.40 a day. Nicehash likes this algo for my 1080ti. power 106% temp 86C Core +200 Mem -400 Fan 100% My temps sit at 84C constant if i turn on my desk fan to blow air in the side of my case the temp goes down to 81C (Reference ...

Newbie Here... What is difference between grin-29 vs grin-31?? - Reddit

Yea, to mine 31 u need 11gb+ (u can mine it with a 1080 ti) vram and even u will get more out of 29.

What hashrate for 2080 Ti? I'm getting 1.6 on Grin31 on Gminer ... - Reddit

also understand, Grin31 hashrates are completely different then Grin29 hashrates. side note, try bumping up your power limit a little bit on grin29 my Titan Xp's did like 7 at the power limit I ran other algo's at and if I raised the power limit to 100% I could nudge up against 8, I eventually settled on an 80% power limits landing me somewhere ...

GitHub - yuwensuoan/minerbabe-kbminer: minerbabe.com miner

KBminer is available for download and use. Download KBminer and extract it to a folder.; Find the script file for this coin. Grin29: run_grin29.sh; Grin31: run_grin31.sh; AE: run_ae.sh

nvidia-docker image for GMiner Equihash (BEAM, BTG ... - GitHub

nvidia-docker image for GMiner Equihash (BEAM, BTG) / CuckooCycle (AE, SWAP, GRIN29, GRIN31) miner This image build GMiner from its GitHub . It requires a CUDA compatible docker implementation so you should probably go for nvidia-docker .

NBMiner v31.1: Nvidia GPU miner for Ethash, Kawpow, Grin32, Cuckatoo32 etc

Improve Grin31 performance. Improve performance of Grin29 & AE on RTX cards. Fix Grin31 compatibility on Win7 with 8G cards. New option to reduce the range of power consumption by multi-gpu rig. Add miner Up Time print in cmd outputs. v21.3(2019-03-20) Fix bug: Occasionlly lower local hashrate than previously version.

What to mine? Choosing between Cuckatoo31+ and Cuckaroo29

The probability of a C31 solution being accepted is weight(31) / difficulty. Relevant weight values are weight(31) = 31 * 2^8 = 7936. Using block 12,008 as an example, Total Difficulty was 635,576,754.. Assuming I'm mining on C31, am I right to say that in the event that my miner has a solution, the probability of it getting accepted in block 12,008 was

lolMiner 0.9.1 - improved Grin31 on AMD (Download) - crazy-mining.org

GitHub: DOWNLOAD lolMiner 0.9.1 lolMiner 0.9.1 - Improved Grin31 for AMD . lolMiner is an Equihash / Cuckatoo miner with a focus on AMD GPUs (based on OpenCL ).. Please note that it will work on most Nvidia GPUs (Nvidia GPUs), but speed and stability may vary.

Mine Grin31 with 1080ti on HiveOS using latest BMiner - YouTube

Proving it's possible to mine Grin31 with possible better hashrates with EVGA 1080ti.Bminer 14.3.X is experimental with Grin31. It is supposed to run 1080ti...

Configuring HiveOS for mining the GRIN cryptocurrency - Cryptoage.com

For GRIN29 and GRIN31, the output setting is identical. Next, go to the pool in the section on GRIN31 or GRIN29 using the menu in the upper right corner of the site. Here we need the following data: your LOGIN and Mining Address. We recommend choosing a server in Europe (EU) for Europe, Russia and the CIS countries
