GYTS is a global standard for systematically monitoring youth tobacco use and tracking key tobacco control indicators. GYTS is a nationally representative school-based survey of students aged 13-15 years using a standard core questionnaire, sample design, and data collection and management procedures that were reviewed and approved by international experts.
The GYTS is a school-based survey that collects data on students aged 13-15 years using a standardized methodology. The information generated from the GYTS can be used to stimulate the development of tobacco control programmes and can serve as a means to assess progress in meeting programme goals.
The TQS includes an adult and youth version and provides standardized tobacco questions for integration into other existing surveys for continuous surveillance and/or when it is not feasible for countries to conduct GATS or GYTS.. TQS is a list of 22 survey questions taken from the GATS core questionnaire and TQS-Youth is a list of 21 survey questions from the GYTS core questionnaire that can ...
GYTS is a standardized survey of students aged 13-15 to monitor youth tobacco use and track tobacco control indicators. Learn about GYTS goals, design, timeline, measures, and stories from the field on GTSS Academy website.
The Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS) is a self-administered, school-based survey of students in grades associated with 13 to 15 years of age designed to enhance the capacity of countries to monitor tobacco use among youth and to guide the implementation and evaluation of tobacco prevention and control programmes.
Introduction The GYTS is a school-based survey that collects data on students aged 13-15 years using a standardized methodology for constructing the sample frame, selecting schools and classes, and processing data.
Global Y outh T oba cc o S u r v e y (G Y T S) S ample D esign Manual Core Questionnaire with Optional Questions GTSS Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS) GTSS GL OBAL T OBA C C O SUR VEILL ANCE SY STEM ( GT SS)
GYTS is composed of 43 "core" questions designed to gather data on the following seven domains. The questionnaire also allows countries to insert their own country-specific questions.
Disclaimer: The GYTS protocol was revised in 2012. Only the most current national-level GYTS data after the 2012 GYTS protocol revision are presented.
The Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS) is designed to provide accurate data on health behaviours and protective factors among students to: help countries develop priorities, establish programmes, and advocate for resources for school health and youth health programmes and policies;