have you got和do you have有什么区别吗?
do you have是美式英语用法,have you got是英式英语用法,二者在意思上没有什么区别,都表示"你(们)有...吗? "do"具有多种词性和词义,有 做、干、进行、表现,的确 等意思。 do用作动词,即可用作及物动词也可用作不及物动词,可接名词、代词、动名词、从句作宾语,也可接同源宾语; 还可接双 ...
有时候have与have got的用法还是有所不同的。 1.have got原来是完成时态。在现代英语用法中,完成的意味已经完全消失,等于have, possess。区别是have, possess意味着"永久地有";have got意味着"一时的"或"最近得到的"。
The Role of Formality in Choosing the Right Phrase. Formality is a crucial consideration when selecting the most suitable phrase. "Do You Have?" is generally perceived as more formal, making it an ideal choice for both written and spoken English.On the other hand, "Have You Got?" leans towards the informal side and is predominantly used in spoken, casual conversations.
I found where you got the statistics: the Separated by a Common Language blog.And one reason for the discrepancy with Google Ngrams is that "do you have" is rapidly gaining over "have you got" both in the US and the UK, and the British National Corpus was collected a decade or so earlier than the Corpus of Contemporary American English, and this time difference substantially increases the ...
这本书上说I have sth.(or I have got sth.)那么它们的疑问形式have you got和do you have一样吗? ... 复杂回答:基本一样,但在某些地区可能会有细微差异,比如have you got会有不等于do you have的用法,例如:Have you got my money (that I wired to you)?(你收到我汇给你的钱了吗? ...
English learners often find themselves puzzled by the subtle differences between similar phrases. One common area of confusion is the use of "Do you have or Have you got?" Both phrases mean essentially the same thing, but their usage can vary based on formality, cultural context, and grammatical structure.In this blog post, we'll dive deep into these nuances to help you master these ...
虽然 do you have 和 have you got 在很多情况下可以互换使用,但在某些语境下,do you have 更常用于询问某人是否拥有某物,而 have you got 更常用于询问某人是否理解或获得某种信息或观点。 例句: ①Do you have a car? 你有车吗? ②Have you got the point? 你明白了吗?
Have you got vs Have you get? "Have you get" is incorrect in English. You need to use "Have you got?" either to show possession or as the present perfect form of the verb "to get" Has got or have got? You use "has got" with the third-person singular and "have got" with other forms. Have I got a cough?
这是对的,但正如你所见,Have you sth? 确实很老套的表达了。 现在"你有.....吗?"的常用表达是 Do you have sth.? 这个是一般现在时的疑问句。 另一种表达是 Have you got sth.? 这个是现在完成时的疑问句。 两种时态不同。
Have you got time? 但是在美国,你多半会听到. Do you have time? 当然上面说的也不是那么绝对,你有可能在美国听到got而不是have got "I got a problem." Remember that do and got are not used together: 请记住do和have got不能同时出现 "Do you have any children?" 下面这句是错的 "Do you have got ...