


HOMOTYPE Definition & Meaning | Merriam-Webster Medical

The meaning of HOMOTYPE is a part or organ of the same fundamental structure as another. How to use homotype in a sentence.

Homotype | definition of homotype by Medical dictionary

a part having reversed symmetry with its mate, as the hand. adj., adj homotyp´ic.

Homotype vs Holotype - What's the difference? - WikiDiff

As nouns the difference between homotype and holotype is that homotype is that which has the same fundamental type of structure with something else while holotype is the single physical example (or illustration) of an organism, known to be used when the taxon was formally described.

homotype - Wiktionary, the free dictionary

homotype is a noun that means the same fundamental type of structure with something else in biology. It comes from homo- (same) and -type (type). See examples, synonyms and references.

What does homotype mean? - Definitions.net

Definition of homotype in the Definitions.net dictionary. Meaning of homotype. What does homotype mean? Information and translations of homotype in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. Login . The STANDS4 Network. Abbreviations.com; Anagrams.net; Biographies.net; Calculators.net; Convert.net;

HOMOTYPE Definition & Meaning - Dictionary.com

Homotype definition: . See examples of HOMOTYPE used in a sentence.

Homotype Definition & Meaning - YourDictionary

Homotype is a noun that means the same fundamental type of structure with something else. For example, the right arm is the homotype of the right leg in biology.

HOMOTYPE definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary

Homotype is a biological term for a part or organ with the same structure and evolutionary origin as another part or organ, but with a different function. Learn how to use homotype in a sentence and see its synonyms and related words.

Homotype - definition of homotype by The Free Dictionary

Homotype is a biological term for a part or organ that has the same structure and evolutionary origin as something else but a different function. Learn more about homotype with synonyms, pronunciation, and examples from Collins English Dictionary.

Homotypic | definition of homotypic by Medical dictionary

homotypic adjective Referring to interactions between similar structures. For proteins, homotypic refers to binding of one protein of another of a similar kind, as would be the formation of a homodimer.
