
i Me


cold是“冷”,fish是“鱼”,“cold fish”可不是“冷鱼”!

1.MARPOL公约附则I修正案 ( 第MEPC.343 ( 78 ) 号决议 ) 该修正案于2022年6月10日在IMO海上环境保护委员会第78届会议上通过,将于2024年1月1日生效。该修正案是为了协调统一SOLAS和MARPO...

Ekwing 知识精选 | 牛津版八年级下册重点词汇+ 短语 +作文(Unit 5...

“Give me the bottle, I can drink like a Fish now, like an Elephant." “把瓶子给我,我现在可以像大象一样像鱼一样喝水了。” 虽然出于种种原因drink like an elephant没有流行下来...

Male Fantasy

I did well. He often asked me for help. I was patient to explain it to him. Slowly, his English improved with my help. At the same time, I also found my English improved. I...

“突然想到” 用英语怎么说?

而且,我不够完美,不能做一个渣男别人还爱我,我每次打开前置摄像头都想问问上天,Who is that ugly boy I see?staring straight back at me… 我也想问问,现任苹果公司的首席执行官库克 T...


It suddenly dawned on me that I hadn't eaten all day. 我突然意识到自己已经一整天没吃东西了。 spring/ come / leap to mind 突然想到还可以这样表达:spring/come/leap to mind,也...


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