
in line with this


【键盘侠】湖人胜快船|皇冠从未离开 王者一直都在!

4.In line with previous studies, __ 这与之前的研究结果一致,__。 5.This result ties well with previous studies wherein __ 这一结果与之前关于__的研究结果相吻合。 6.Contrary to the findings of __ we did not find...


LEBRON WAS A FUCKING BEAST. AB GOT POSSESSED BY RAY ALLEN. And yes LA is and always will be a Laker city as seen in this Clipper 'home' game. 湖人球迷:我湖这场胜利很重要啊...


20.Would you like to see this product in action? 您想看看产品操作吗? 21.Would you like to see a demo? 您想看看产品演示吗? 22.Let me show you something that would blow your ...


This project aims to design a novel line-scanning Brillouin-Raman microscopy system for fast mapping of mechanical and chemical properties of biological samples in 3D with ...


8.最重要的是:适应的才是最好的(REMEMBER THIS ABOVE ALL) 不同的景观设计师都有自己的设计喜好,也都有对应的设计原则,但所有的原则并不都是一成不变的。比如,景观设计师的规划一份出色...

RRR cut more reasonable than expected

Here are some suggestions. Begin by teaching words in categories(类别). For examples teachers can try something as simple as this: "Apples, bananas, strawberries? mangoes. They are a type of. . . (fruit)". Categorie...


Therefore, this year’s economic growth target of 5 percent is abottom-line target set with comprehensive consideration, among which the mostsignificant factor is the expectation of a stronger pull from high-qualitydrivers...


2. However, a major problem with this kind of application is ... 3. Lack of X has existed as a health problem for many years. 4. Despite its safety and efficacy, X suffers from several major drawbacks: 5. Howe...


As scheduled, all the classmates in our class will gather at the Students' Centre at 8 pm this Friday evening to celebrate Xiaoming's birthday. We would feel much honored if you could come and enjoy it, which is ...
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