Industry is a British-American drama series that follows the careers and lives of recent graduates working in the financial sector after the 2008 crisis. The show features a diverse cast, a synth-heavy soundtrack, and a realistic portrayal of the industry's challenges and opportunities.
Industry is a television drama series that premiered in 2020. Created by former bankers [1] Mickey Down and Konrad Kay, the show's first season follows a group of young graduates competing for permanent positions at Pierpoint & Co, a prestigious investment bank in London.
Learn the meaning of industry as a noun, with synonyms, examples, and word history. Industry can refer to manufacturing activity, a group of enterprises, diligence, or work in a particular field.
Industry (economics), a generally categorized branch of economic activity Industry (manufacturing), a specific branch of economic activity, typically in factories with machinery The wider industrial sector of an economy, including manufacturing and production of other intermediate or final goods; The general characteristics and production methods common to an industrial society
Learn the meaning of industry in English, with different contexts and usage. Find out how to use industry as a noun in production, type of work, or quality, and see related words and phrases.
industry is in frequency band 7, which contains words occurring between 100 and 1,000 times per million words in modern written English. More about OED's frequency bands. Frequency data is computed programmatically, and should be regarded as an estimate. Frequency of industry, n., 1750-2010
4 meanings: 1. organized economic activity concerned with manufacture, extraction and processing of raw materials, or.... Click for more definitions.
An industry is a group of manufacturers or businesses that produce a particular kind of goods or services. Workers in the textile industry design, fabricate, and sell cloth. The tourist industry includes all the commercial aspects of tourism.
Learn what an industry is and how it is classified in different systems, such as NAICS and GICS. Find out how investors use industries to evaluate and compare companies and sectors.
INDUSTRY meaning: 1 : the process of making products by using machinery and factories; 2 : a group of businesses that provide a particular product or service