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ISC2 is the world's leading member association for cybersecurity professionals. Our members, candidates and associates are leading the cybersecurity profession and safeguarding the way we live by creating a safe and secure cyber world.

IS-2 - Wikipedia

The KV-85 was a stop-gap solution until the introduction of the IS series. Note the modified KV chassis with the removal of the hull machine-gunner/ radio operator's station with one operated by the driver, and the driver's station slightly centered at the front; a staple design of all IS-series tanks. IS-85 (IS-1) Prototype equipped with D-5T gun. . Later IS-2 converted models were replaced ...

Information Security Certifications - ISC2

ISC2 offers various certifications for cybersecurity professionals at different stages of their career. Learn about the requirements, benefits and training options for each certification and how to get started.

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IS2's Value Proposition. Industry-leading Service Delivery. Canadian-owned, IS2 has a proven performance record. With our IS2 Talent Acquisition Blueprint and "Customers for Life" philosophy, our clients have the peace of mind that IS2 will consistently deliver.. Leveraging Our Specialization and Expertise.

IS-2 - Tank Encyclopedia

An up-gunned version of the IS-1, the IS-2 was the main Russian heavy tank of 1944, replacing the KV-1 and variants. It was armed with a 122 mm gun.

IS-2 Heavy Tank ( Object 240 ) - GlobalSecurity.org

IS-2 Heavy Tank ( Object 240 ) One of the most powerful tanks of the Great Patriotic War, the IS-2 was so successful that it not only destroyed the Nazis, but served the Soviet and Russian armies ...

CISSP - Certified Information Systems Security Professional

Earn the CISSP - The World's Premier Cybersecurity Certification. Accelerate your cybersecurity career with the CISSP certification. Earning the CISSP proves you have what it takes to effectively design, implement and manage a best-in-class cybersecurity program.

IS-2 - Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia

Po raz pierwszy IS-2 został użyty podczas walk na Ukrainie na początku 1944 roku. Dwadzieścia jeden czołgów typu IS-2 zniszczyło ponad czterdzieści Tygrysów i Elefantów, tracąc przy tym tylko osiem czołgów.Niemieckie czołgi ciężkie, które były z łatwością niszczone, nie posiadały odpowiedniego działa, aby odpowiedzieć na armatę 122 mm.

IS2 TANK - Heavy Soviet Tank Beast (Object 240) - Real History Online

Learn about the history and features of the IS2 tank, the most powerful and heavily armored Soviet tank of World War II. The IS2 was designed to break through German defenses and had a 122-mm cannon, a two-chamber muzzle brake and a powerful engine.
