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Javert - Wikipedia

Javert (French pronunciation:), no first name given in the source novel, is a fictional character and a main antagonist of Victor Hugo's 1862 novel Les Misérables. He was presumably born in 1780 [1] and died on June 7, 1832. [2] First a prison guard, and then a police inspector, his character is defined by his legalist tendencies, authoritarian worldview, and lack of empathy for criminals of ...

plot explanation - What was the reason for Javert's decision? - Movies ...

Javert was a man of big integrity and he believed fully in the law and the penalty system. He followed and enforced the law to the letter. So when he realized that Val Jean was doing more good as a free man that he would have done in jail he find himself with a dilemma.

Top 10 Portrayals of Javert in Les Miserables (West End / Broadway)

Philip Quast. The definitive Javert. He delivered the best rendition of Stars in the history of the show. The determination, the obsessiveness, the power, and the seriousness really show in this legendary performance, which was made popular thanks to the 10th anniversary at the Royal Albert Hall in 1995.

Les Misérables: Javert Quotes Quotes | SparkNotes

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Javert in Les Misérables Character Analysis | Shmoop

Character Analysis The Bloodhound. When we call Javert a bloodhound, we mean it. This guy is easy to understand, because he has one motivation, one goal, and one purpose in life: to trust in the law and enforce it to its fullest extent.

Java实现Modbus RTU通讯 - 花花_新世界 - 博客园

最近花了好长时间去研究~上代码 1 package test; 2 3 import java.io.IOException; 4 import java.io.InputStream; 5 import java.io.OutputStream; 6 import java.nio.charset

Javert Character Analysis in Les Miserables - LitCharts

A police inspector who originally met Jean Valjean in the galleys, and who reemerges again and again throughout the novel, constantly threatening to expose Valjean's identity and cause his downfall. Javert believes in authority and obedience to the law above all else. The law is so sacred for him that he cannot envision any other system of morality or justice.

java利用socket通信实现Modbus-RTU通信协议 - CSDN博客

文章浏览阅读6.6k次,点赞10次,收藏53次。本文介绍了Modbus-RTU协议的基本概念,展示了如何解析Modbus报文,重点讲解了ZHC4013 DTU设备的通信过程,并提供了使用Netty改进的服务器端代码示例。通过实例,读者可以理解如何在实际项目中运用和优化Modbus通信。

Java使用Netty实现Modbus-RTU通信协议 - CSDN博客

文章浏览阅读1w次,点赞4次,收藏47次。NIO整个调用流程就是Java调用了操作系统的内核函数来创建Socket,获取到Socket的文件描述符,创建一个Selector对象,对应操作系统的Epoll描述符,将获取到的Socket连接的文件描述符的事件绑定Selector对应的Epoll文件描述符上,进行事件的异步通知,这样就实现了 ...
