KEGG is a database that integrates genomic, chemical and functional information of biological systems. It provides various tools and services for analyzing, visualizing and exploring molecular-level data and pathways.
KEGG is a database project that integrates genomic, chemical, and functional information of living organisms. It provides pathway maps, ortholog groups, drug and disease data, and tools for biological big data analysis.
KEGG is a collection of databases dealing with genomes, biological pathways, diseases, drugs, and chemical substances. It is utilized for bioinformatics research and education, including data analysis, modeling and simulation, and translational research.
KEGG PATHWAY is a collection of manually drawn pathway maps representing metabolism, genetic information processing, environmental information processing, cellular processes, organismal systems, human diseases and drug development. The pathway maps are identified by prefix codes and linked to KEGG modules, reaction modules, networks and taxonomy mapping.
KEGG GENOME is a collection of KEGG organisms, which are the organisms with complete genome sequences and each of which is identified by the three- or four-letter organism code.The GENOME database also contains a collection of KEGG Viruses generated from RefSeq data and each identified by the virus taxonomy (vtax) identifier (see KEGG Virus for more details).
KEGG mapping is a set operation to map molecular objects to molecular network objects in KEGG, such as pathway maps, BRITE hierarchies and modules. Learn about the KEGG objects, identifiers, maps, hierarchies and tools for data integration and interpretation.
Kanehisa Laboratories has been developing the KEGG database as a computer model of the biological system such as the cell, the organism and the biosphere. KEGG has enabled systems-level interpretation of genomes and other high-throughput data and is now one of the most utilized biological databases because of its practical values.
KEGG is a database that represents molecular interaction and reaction networks in the cell, the organism and the biosphere. It is generated by human intelligence from experimental knowledge reported in selected publications, and aims to model the real world.
Pathway Solutions is a company that handles commercial licensing of KEGG, a database of biological pathways and molecular interactions. KEGG is a self-sustaining academic project that provides free access to its website and data for academic users.
KEGG Mapper Search allows you to search various KEGG objects, such as genes, metabolites and drugs, against KEGG pathway maps and other network entities. You can enter query data, upload a file, or select a reference mode to filter the results.