libco is a c/c++ coroutine library that supports synchronous or asynchronous programming, socket hook, and shared stack mode. It is widely used in WeChat back-end service since 2013 and has been running on tens of thousands of machines.
libco Although cooperative multithreading is limited to a single CPU core, it scales substantially better than preemptive multithreading. For applications that need 100,000 or more context switches per second, the kernel overhead involved in preemptive multithreading can end up becoming the bottleneck in the application. libco can easily scale ...
Coroutine library for C/C++. Contribute to tencent-wechat/libco development by creating an account on GitHub.
libco 是微信后台开发和使用的协程库,同时也是极少数的直接将 C/C++ 协程运用到如此大规模的生产环境中的案例。 在 《云风 coroutine 协程库源码分析》 中,介绍了有栈协程的实现原理。相比云风的 coroutine,libco 在性能上号称可以调度千万级协程。 从使用上来说,libco 不仅提供了一套类 pthread 的协 ...
co_start(name, func, arg): creates a new coroutine and returns a pointer to struct co. The newly created coroutine starts executing from the function func, passing the argument arg.. Using malloc to allocate memory.; Please design the struct co structure with more freedom.; The main coroutine should also be created and used.; co_wait(co): the current coroutine needs to wait until the coroutine ...
libco - libco is a cooperative multithreading library written in C89. libgo vs PhotonLibOS libco vs bastion libgo vs coost libco vs neco libgo vs odyssey libco vs co libgo vs pg_auto_failover libco vs language libgo vs rust libco vs rust libgo vs libfiber libco vs libco. SaaSHub - Software Alternatives and Reviews.
Foreword: libco is a cross-platform, public domain implementation of cooperative-multithreading; a feature that is sorely lacking from the ISO C/C++ standard. The library is designed for maximum speed and portability, and not for safety or features. If safety or extra functionality is desired, a wrapper API can easily be written to encapsulate all library functions.
libaco is a project that implements a pure C coroutine library with a proof of correctness and high performance. It supports cooperative multitasking, stack sharing, and various platforms that comply with the Sys V ABI of Intel386 or AMD64.