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Malus (/ ˈ m eɪ l ə s / [3] or / ˈ m æ l ə s /) is a genus of about 32-57 species [4] of small deciduous trees or shrubs in the family Rosaceae, including the domesticated orchard apple, crab apples (sometimes known in North America as crabapples) and wild apples.
A financial penalty incurred by a trader, investor, or banker when an investment or deal.... Click for English pronunciations, examples sentences, video.
The meaning of MALUS is a genus of trees or shrubs (family Rosaceae) of the north temperate zone sometimes included in the genus Pyrus but distinguished by having the soft pubescent leaves revolute or plicate in the bud, flower clusters lacking a stout central column, styles more or less joined at the base, and fruit without grit cells.
In gardens, the genus Malus presents three faces. There are the orchard apples, M. domestica, which we treat only briefly since, although often extremely attractive, they are primarily grown as fruit rather than ornamental or landscape trees, and therefore beyond the scope of Trees and Shrubs Online - for those interested in orchard apples, the M. domestica article offers some suggestions ...
Malus 'Dartmouth' is a variety of M. pumila, the wild crab-apple, and is only one of the several maluses which offer a wider choice than the commonly planted 'John Downie,' lemoinei and eleyi. 1968, Agriculture in Northern Ireland, volume 43, page 290:
Malus sylvestris, the European crab apple, also known as the European wild apple or simply the crab apple, is a species of the genus Malus. Its scientific name means "forest apple", reflecting its habitat. It is native to Eurasia. Description.
The Malus accelerator supports accelerating global games, solving problems such as high latency, easy packet loss, difficulty logging in, and connection timeouts when playing games overseas. It is fast and stable without dropping frames. It can also support game live broadcast auxiliary tools such as YY, OBS Live, and Live Ji. It is the first choice game accelerator for overseas players..Malus ...
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