Nion is a brand of Bruker that offers cutting-edge STEMs for materials research. Nion STEMs enable atomic resolution imaging, chemical mapping, 4D-STEM, and vibrational spectroscopy with high brightness, stability, and monochromator.
Bruker, a scientific instrumentation company, has acquired Nion, a leader in scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) technology. Nion offers aberration correction, ultra-high energy resolution, and electron energy-loss spectroscopy for materials science research.
Nion is a subsidiary of Bruker that produces aberration-corrected STEMs with high resolution. Founded in 1997 by Ondrej Krivanek and Niklas Dellby, Nion won the Kavli Prize for Nanoscience in 2020.
Nion (ニオン, Nion) is a Saiyan scientist in the Frieza Force, serving on Planet Vegeta. Nion appears to be a young woman with traits most unusual to the Saiyan race: blue hair instead of black, and she does not appear to have a tail. Her attire is made up of a black armor. Underneath the armor she dons, she wears a black tight suit, a pair of white Frieza Force boots, and a white lab coat ...
Nion ULTRASTEM Specifications. Feature: Benefit >1 nA current in a 2 Å probe: Rapid atomic-resolution Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy (EELS) elemental mapping: 0.8 Å high angle annular dark field (HAADF) resolution: Resolve fine spacings and single atoms: Correction of all fifth-order axial aberrations:
Bruker, a scientific instrumentation company, has acquired Nion, a leader in high-end STEM technology for materials science research. Nion develops and manufactures innovative scanning transmission electron microscopes with aberration correction and ultra-high energy resolution EELS.
Bruker, a scientific instrumentation company, has acquired Nion, a leader in high-end STEM technology for materials science research. Nion offers aberration correction, ultra-high energy resolution EELS, and electron diffraction crystallography for electron microscopy applications.
Bruker announces the acquisition of Nion, a leader in high-end scanning transmission electron microscopes (STEM) and electron energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS). The acquisition enhances Bruker's product offerings and technology portfolio in materials science research and electron diffraction crystallography.
For Krivanek, Nion's acquisition has come at the right time, with the right company. "This is a rare find - it's almost like Nion was a key to a precise slot, which was available at Bruker," he says. The Nion co-founder also highlights how his company has been independent for 25 years, which provided immense scientific freedom but also risk.
Bruker announced that it has acquired Nion, a privately held company that develops and manufactures innovative high-end scanning transmission electron microscopes (STEM).Nion was the first company to introduce aberration correction for STEM instruments with ultra-high stability for highest resolution images, and Nion is the world leader in ultra-high energy and spatial resolution electron ...