nothing phone2a膜
Tempered glass · Scratch and drop-resistant · Minimises fingerprints · Comes with applicator kit · Maintains optimal Phone (2a) performance
Protected. The only case that gets the best out of Phone (2a). Made from sturdy clear polycarbonate and flexible materials. Now with added abrasion coating for enhanced scratch resilience.
Nothing Phone (2a)Nothing Cable (c-c)Phone (2a) Screen Protector (pre-applied)SIM tray ejectorSafety information and warranty card. Special Offer. Purchase Phone (2a) and get a Perplexity Pro token for free from March 5-19. Learn more Nothing Care. No coverage Est Shipping ...
1. Charging speed and performance comparison: Charging speeds and performance are benchmarked against Nothing Phone (1) as per Nothing testing laboratory results. 2. Appearance disclaimer: The smartphone's appearance showcased on the page is for reference purposes only. Colours and finishes may slightly vary in different environments. 3.
The Nothing Phone 2a does not support wireless charging, which means you don't need to worry about a case affecting this feature. That said, some cases do stop wireless charging from operating ...
Protected. The only case that gets the best out of Phone (2a). Made from sturdy clear polycarbonate and flexible materials. Now with added abrasion coating for enhanced scratch resilience.
Nothing OS is also amazing, and the reason I'm pretty sure my next phone will be a Nothing phone to: the monochrome stylish icons, the widgets and the general design, are just amazing. This is the first time I have an android phone where I'm not spending enormous amounts of time trying to get it to look acceptable. This was the main reason I ...
Nothing 這家廠商大家應該都不陌生了,旗下除了有耳機、手機,今年其實也有智慧手錶等產品,最大的賣點就是其透明的外觀與數位極簡的設計元素,還有獨特的 Glyph 燈效。這次要介紹的,則是首次進軍中階市場的 Nothing Phone(2a),以往兩款手機在規格定位上,其實也...(Android其他品牌 第1頁)
看到發表會價格換算之後只要台幣一萬就可以買到真的很心動,後來台版價錢一出$9,900認真的嗎?整個超殺。而且依照Nothing的材質做工應該不會差到哪裡去,然後就一直等機會入手。今天它終於到我手上了!正式進入開箱環節確定是Phone2a的牛奶色內部盒子的設計蠻特別的,和2一樣有...(Android其他 ...
It combines Nothing's Advanced HDR software with Android's latest Ultra HDR technology. First, Advanced HDR automatically takes a burst of 8 RAW images with various exposures and then merges them together to create the optimum image. The AI-enabled Vivid Mode allows Phone (2a) Plus to scan the scene in front of you and generate an enhanced ...