NUDT was instrumental in the development of the Tianhe-2 supercomputer. [5] In 2017, the university incorporated five military colleges, which are the PLA College of International Relations, the PLA College of National Defense Information, the PLA Xi'an Telecommunication College, the PLA College of Electronic Engineering, and the PLA Science ...
今年是周明鸂诞辰115周年。 周明鸂是我国著名固体力学专家和教育家,原国防科学技术大学教授、副校长,"哈军工"首批选调的知名教授,他把自己毕生的精力和心血献给了党的国防科技教育事业。
In September 2009, NUDT successfully developed China's first Peta-flops supercomputer system TianHe-1. In November 2010, the successive TianHe-1A was ranked No.1 on the TOP500 List with a peak performance of 4.7 Peta-flops, marking the first time when China's supercomputer has topped the list.
National University of Defense Technology (NUDT) is a comprehensive research university listed in the national "Double First-Class" initiative. It has been constantly dedicated to cultivating first-class talents and making first-class achievements for making first-class contributions. It has been playing an essential role in China's ...
NUDT has fostered a talent cultivation system with focus on high-quality undergraduate education and high-level postgraduate education and coordinated development of high-standard and highly-efficient professional education, striving to cultivate world-class high-caliber and professional talents. Over a history of 71 years, NUDT has nurtured ...
Short Biography. Xiang Zhao (赵翔) is currently a full professor at College of Systems Engineering, National University of Defense Technology (NUDT), China, where he also serves as the head of the direction of knowledge systems engineering. During 2015-2019, he was also a concurrent research fellow at Collaborative Innovation Center of Geospatial Technology, China, led by Prof. Deren Li ...
Founded in 1953, National University of Defense Technology (NUDT) is a comprehensive research university listed in the national "Double First-Class" initiative. It has been constantly dedicated to cultivating first-class talents and making first-class achievements for making first-class contributions. It has been playing an essential role in China's economic and social development and national ...
NUDT has established party branches abroad, sent over 1,600 students and professors overseas as visiting scholars and students, invited hundreds of foreign professors to its campus to give lectures, and built relationships with universities including New Zealand's Massey University and the University of Cambridge. https: ...
中国人民解放军国防科技大学(英語: National University of Defense Technology ,缩写: NUDT ),通称国防科技大学,简称国防科大,正军级,本部位于中國 湖南省 长沙市,是中央军事委员会直属的综合性大学 [1] 。. 中国人民解放军国防科技大学是中华人民共和国顶尖高校之一,是"双一流A类"和原"985 ...
NUDT vigorously promotes interdisciplinary research. Targeting cutting-edge technologies, the University has established interdisciplinary research centers and set key research fields including quantum computing and quantum algorithms, nanometer probing and sensing, materials genomic, etc., promoting deep integration between and across academic disciplines to push the boundaries of knowledge.