


...the earnings of the richest and the poorest雅思写作7.5分范文

面对CNN,他说自己的目标是在非洲最贫穷的地方,创建10万个以上的工作岗位。(...goal is to create more than 100,000 jobs in the poorest parts of Africa.)这对于经济欠发达、劳动力...

托福阅读真题Official 53 Passage 2(一)

the gap between the earnings of the richest and the poorest should be narrowed.I think a monetary scale is not appropriate to measure the happiness level of a person;whether it is the rich or the poor...

托福阅读真题Official 53 Passage 2(二)

原文定位:根据relatively low mineral nutrient定位到第一段第四句第五句Because of rain leaching,most tropical rain forest soils have low to very low mineral…雨水的冲刷导致矿物质下降Tropical forest soils also often contain part...


where a large proportion of plant biomass is produced underground,that of tropical forests is nearly all aboveground.Dead leaves,branches,and other plant parts,as well as the wastes...
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