PQLI is a measure of well-being based on literacy, infant mortality and life expectancy. It was developed in the 1970s as an alternative to GNP and has been criticized for its limitations and overlap.
PQLI is a measure of basic human well-being based on life expectancy, infant mortality rate, and literacy rate. It was developed by Morris David Morris as an alternative to GDP and is used to compare the well-being of people across countries and regions.
Learn about the PQLI, a metric of a nation's overall standard of life, created by Morris David in the 1970s. Find out its advantages, drawbacks, and how it is calculated using three indicators: life expectancy, infant mortality, and literacy rate.
The Physical Quality of Life Index (PQLI) was developed in the mid-1970s by economist Morris David Morris (1979, Morris & McAlpin, 1982, Morris, 1996) and his colleagues at the US Overseas Development Council.Much like the United Nations Development Programme's (UNDP) Human Development Index (HDI), the PQLI draws on the average of three indicators to measure the quality of life of a country ...
The Quality of Life Index (QLI) is a measure of the well-being of a country based on literacy, infant mortality, and life expectancy. The ICOI provides the QLI rankings of countries, states, and cities and explains how to improve them.
The PQLI informs about the changing distribution of social benefits among countries, between the sexes, among ethnic groups, and by region and sector. The PQLI facilitates international and regional comparisons by minimizing developmental and cultural ethnocentricities. As the gap closes between current performance and maximum attainable ...
Learn about PQLI, a measure of quality of life or well-being of a country based on literacy, infant mortality and life expectancy. Find out the advantages, drawbacks and indicators of PQLI with examples.
Although the PQLI was designed as a minimal measure of social performance and partly as an antidote to undue emphasis on gross national product (GNP) per capita, its critics have noted that health is counted twice (infant mortality and life expectancy at age one are highly correlated) and that the index omits the material side of the quality of ...
The Physical Quality of Life Index (PQLI) is a measure designed to assess the quality of life in different countries by focusing on basic physical health indicators. It takes into account factors such as life expectancy, infant mortality, and basic literacy rates to provide a more comprehensive view of development beyond economic metrics. This index highlights the importance of health and ...
In many respects the PQLI was a predecessor of the human development index (HDI). Based on country/region-specific Physical Quality of Life, it is possible to compute world quality of life (WPQLI) and the North-South gap in quality of life (NSPQLI). Given country-specific literacy rates, it is also possible to compute world literacy (WLIT).