Rama is a major deity in Hinduism, worshipped as the seventh avatar of Vishnu and the protagonist of the Ramayana. Learn about his life, legends, symbolism, worship, and significance in various traditions and texts.
The core of Rama's story, as detailed in the Ramayana, begins in the city of Ayodhya, where Rama is the firstborn son of the king Dasharatha and queen Kaushalya.As a member of the royal and martial Kshatriya varna (social class), he displays his mettle as a great archer early on by defeating demons threatening to disrupt the performance of a sacrifice and by stringing a giant bow belonging ...
Rama is the hero of the Ramayana, the oldest Sanskrit epic, who fought the demon king Ravana and rescued his wife Sita. Learn about Rama's family, exile, battles, and dharma in this article.
Learn about the life of Lord Rama, the ideal king and the seventh incarnation of Lord Vishnu, who killed the demon king Ravana and restored dharma on the earth. Read the epic Ramayana, based on his adventures, and discover his birth, marriage, exile, and return to Ayodhya.
Ramayana is a Hindu epic that narrates the life of Rama, the seventh avatar of Vishnu, and his exile, war, and return. It is one of the two Itihasas, ancient narratives of past events, and has many versions in Indian and Southeast Asian languages.
Learn about Rama, the seventh incarnation of Vishnu and the hero of the epic Ramayana. Discover his life, symbolism, festivals, and comparison with Krishna.
Rama is the son of Surya and Dasharatha, and the seventh avatar of Vishnu in Hinduism. He is the protagonist of the Ramayana, a sacred text that depicts his life, adventures and dharma.
Rama is a major deity of Hinduism, the seventh avatar of Vishnu, and the central figure of the epic Ramayana. He is worshipped as the Supreme Being in some traditions, and his life story illustrates dharma, duty, and moral values.
Rama is the seventh avatar of Vishnu in Hindu mythology, who embodies the qualities of dharma, compassion, duty, sacrifice, and leadership. Learn about his life, symbolism, and qualities from the epic Ramayana and other sources.
Rama is a popular Hindu god and an avatar of Vishnu who was born to restore dharma, the righteous order of the universe. The Ramayana, an epic poem, narrates his banishment, his war with the demon king Ravana, and his return to his kingdom.