Learn the meaning of rearm, a verb that means to arm again with new or better weapons, and see examples of its usage in sentences. Find out the word history, related entries, and kids definition of rearm.
rearm /riˈɑrm/ IPA guide. Other forms: rearming; rearmed; rearms. Definitions of rearm. verb. arm again "After the war, the defeated country was not rearmed by the victors ...
Rearm means to supply yourself or others with new weapons, especially in order to become a strong military power again. See the pronunciation, synonyms, idioms and translations of rearm in English and other languages.
Rearm means to arm again or to equip with better weapons. Learn the verb forms, synonyms, antonyms, and translations of rearm from various sources.
Rearm means to arm again or to equip with new or better weapons. Learn the word forms, synonyms, pronunciation, collocations and sentences of rearm from Collins English Dictionary.
Rearm definition: . See examples of REARM used in a sentence.
Rearm is a verb that means to equip or supply with weapons, or to prepare for war. It has three meanings, one of which is obsolete, and comes from a French word. See examples, pronunciation and related words.
Learn the meaning and usage of the verb rearm, which means to build up a new stock of military weapons or to equip someone or something with weapons. Find out how to pronounce, conjugate, and use rearm in sentences, and see translations in different languages.
Rearm means to obtain or supply new weapons, especially for military purposes. Learn the pronunciation, usage and synonyms of rearm from Britannica Dictionary.
Learn the meaning and usage of the verb rearm, which means to obtain or supply new or better weapons, armies, etc. See the pronunciation, synonyms, and related words for rearm.