


Sudanese army removes president

Since China downgraded the management of COVID-19 from Class A to Class B from January 8, quarantine requirements were removed for people entering the country. Inbound travelers were still required to present negative nucl...

Military removes mocked tiger statue

Sudanese army removes president Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir has been removed from power and detained by the army, Defense Minister Awad Mohamed Ahmed Ibn Auf announced on Thursday, Reuters reported. In an address on...

YouTube removes 'violent' videos from site

Military removes mocked tiger statue BANDUNG, INDONESIA - The Indonesian military has removed a statue of a grinning, cartoonlike tiger from outside an army base after it sparked a flood of online mockery. The tiger is ...


"We have seen that the internet has been used very successfully by terrorist organizations who are able to propagate their message, they are able to reach out to large parts of society that maybe they would not normally...

Uber Removes Yandex Executives from Joint Venture

雀巢牛肉产品中发现马肉成分 Nestle removes beef pasta meals after finding horsemeat 近期席卷欧洲的“马肉丑闻”又有新进展,雀巢公司生产的两款冷冻意粉产品被检出有马肉成分,含量虽不高,但超过了1%。该公司立即开始在意大利和西班牙...
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