


Parazoa - Wikipedia

Parazoa (Parazoa, gr. Παρα-, para, "next to", and ζωα, zoa, "animals") are a taxon with sub-kingdom category that is located at the base of the phylogenetic tree of the animal kingdom in opposition to the sub-kingdom Eumetazoa; they group together the most primitive forms, characterized by not having proper tissues or that, in any case, these tissues are only partially differentiated.

Chaetognatha - GBIF

Dataset GBIF Backbone Taxonomy Rank PHYLUM Classification

Animal Phyla - Wikiversity

Rhombozoa [edit | edit source] Limnognathia maerski, a lozenge animal. Rhombozoa. Name Meaning: Lozenge animal English Common Name: Lozenge animals Major distinguishing characteristics: Single axial cell surrounded by ciliated cells Approximate number of species described: 75 Rotifera

DSC00647 | Nematogen (Phylum Rhombozoa, Class Dicyemida) - N ... - Flickr

Nematogen (Phylum Rhombozoa, Class Dicyemida) - Note sausage-shaped vermiform larvae. Done. 353 views. 0 faves. 0 comments. Uploaded on February 3, 2010 Taken on February 1, 2010 chelsealwood By: chelsealwood. DSC00647 Nematogen (Phylum Rhombozoa, Class Dicyemida) - Note sausage-shaped vermiform larvae. Done.

What is an example of Mesozoa species? - Kyoto2.org

Rhombozoan mesozoans Rhombozoa, or dicyemid mesozoans, are found in the nephridia (kidneys) of cephalopods (squid and octopuses). They range from a few millimeters long with twenty to thirty cells that include anterior attachment cells and a long central reproductive cell called an axial cell. How many cell layers do Mesozoans have?

Notoplana segnis Freeman, 1933 - turbellaria.umaine.edu

"Parasitica" (phyla Platyhelminthes, Rhombozoa, and Pentastomida) and Gastrotricha (sup... American Museum Novitates 3174:1-59: 0: 16195 237296: Literature with distribution data: Heath H, McGregor EA: 1913 spp. New polyclads from Monterey Bay, California. Proc Acad Nat Sci Phila 64: 455-488: 6120: 7075 235843: Hyman LH:

Integrated Metagenomic and Metatranscriptomic Analyses of Microbial ...

In contrast, fungi Chytridiomycota, flagellate Euglenida, parasite Rhombozoa, animal Tardigrada, and yellow-green algae Xanthophyceae were absent in all four deep-sea sites. Besides, the community changes from the GOS surface water to the deep-sea water were primarily manifest in the emergence of phyla Chordata and Nematoda, ...

Rhombozoa - Wikipedia

Rhombozoa: La classe dei rombozoi (comprendente anche i dicyemida) [1] racchiude una cinquantina di specie abitanti negli organi escretori dei cefalopodi ed aventi duplice modo di essere nel corso dello sviluppo metagenetico.

Rhombozoa - Vikipedi

Rhombozoa, Platyzoa üstşubesine bağlı bir hayvan şubesidir. [1] Taksonomi. Rhombozoa şubesine bağlı takımlar (2023): Dicyemida - Köllicker, 1882; Heterocyemida; Kaynakça Dış bağlantılar. Wikimedia Commons'ta ile ilgili çoklu ortam belgeleri bulunur. Vikitür'de Rhombozoa ile ilgili ...

Protozoa - Wikispecies - Wikimedia

[Note: in most classifications, Protozoa is currently considered a polyphyletic taxon. Some authors (e.g. Cavalier-Smith) still use it as a paraphyletic taxon, although most taxonomists prefer to use only monophyletic taxa. See Eukaryota for more modern classifications of the groups previously placed here.]
