Parazoa (Parazoa, gr. Παρα-, para, "next to", and ζωα, zoa, "animals") are a taxon with sub-kingdom category that is located at the base of the phylogenetic tree of the animal kingdom in opposition to the sub-kingdom Eumetazoa; they group together the most primitive forms, characterized by not having proper tissues or that, in any case, these tissues are only partially differentiated.
Dataset GBIF Backbone Taxonomy Rank PHYLUM Classification
Rhombozoa [edit | edit source] Limnognathia maerski, a lozenge animal. Rhombozoa. Name Meaning: Lozenge animal English Common Name: Lozenge animals Major distinguishing characteristics: Single axial cell surrounded by ciliated cells Approximate number of species described: 75 Rotifera
Nematogen (Phylum Rhombozoa, Class Dicyemida) - Note sausage-shaped vermiform larvae. Done. 353 views. 0 faves. 0 comments. Uploaded on February 3, 2010 Taken on February 1, 2010 chelsealwood By: chelsealwood. DSC00647 Nematogen (Phylum Rhombozoa, Class Dicyemida) - Note sausage-shaped vermiform larvae. Done.
Rhombozoan mesozoans Rhombozoa, or dicyemid mesozoans, are found in the nephridia (kidneys) of cephalopods (squid and octopuses). They range from a few millimeters long with twenty to thirty cells that include anterior attachment cells and a long central reproductive cell called an axial cell. How many cell layers do Mesozoans have?
"Parasitica" (phyla Platyhelminthes, Rhombozoa, and Pentastomida) and Gastrotricha (sup... American Museum Novitates 3174:1-59: 0: 16195 237296: Literature with distribution data: Heath H, McGregor EA: 1913 spp. New polyclads from Monterey Bay, California. Proc Acad Nat Sci Phila 64: 455-488: 6120: 7075 235843: Hyman LH:
In contrast, fungi Chytridiomycota, flagellate Euglenida, parasite Rhombozoa, animal Tardigrada, and yellow-green algae Xanthophyceae were absent in all four deep-sea sites. Besides, the community changes from the GOS surface water to the deep-sea water were primarily manifest in the emergence of phyla Chordata and Nematoda, ...
Rhombozoa: La classe dei rombozoi (comprendente anche i dicyemida) [1] racchiude una cinquantina di specie abitanti negli organi escretori dei cefalopodi ed aventi duplice modo di essere nel corso dello sviluppo metagenetico.
Rhombozoa, Platyzoa üstşubesine bağlı bir hayvan şubesidir. [1] Taksonomi. Rhombozoa şubesine bağlı takımlar (2023): Dicyemida - Köllicker, 1882; Heterocyemida; Kaynakça Dış bağlantılar. Wikimedia Commons'ta ile ilgili çoklu ortam belgeleri bulunur. Vikitür'de Rhombozoa ile ilgili ...
[Note: in most classifications, Protozoa is currently considered a polyphyletic taxon. Some authors (e.g. Cavalier-Smith) still use it as a paraphyletic taxon, although most taxonomists prefer to use only monophyletic taxa. See Eukaryota for more modern classifications of the groups previously placed here.]