


Sappho - Wikipedia

Sappho was a lyric poet from Lesbos who wrote about love, family and religion. She is known for her clarity, vividness and influence, but most of her works are lost and her life is uncertain.

Sappho | Biography & Facts | Britannica

Sappho (born c. 610, Lesbos [Greece]—died c. 570 bce) was a Greek lyric poet greatly admired in all ages for the beauty of her writing style. She ranks with Archilochus and Alcaeus, among Greek poets, for her ability to impress readers with a lively sense of her personality.Her language contains elements from Aeolic vernacular speech and Aeolic poetic tradition, with traces of epic ...

Sappho of Lesbos - World History Encyclopedia

Learn about the life and works of Sappho, a lyric poet who was honored in ancient Greece and inspired the terms 'sapphic' and 'lesbian'. Explore her legacy, her poetry, and the controversies surrounding her sexuality and identity.


Learn about Sappho, the ancient Greek lyric poet who wrote about passion, love and Aphrodite. Explore her life, works and legacy with this comprehensive guide from Ancient Literature.

Sappho | The Poetry Foundation

Sappho was lampooned by the writers of New Comedy. Ovid related the story of Phaon, who, according to some traditions, rejected Sappho's love and caused her to leap from a rock to her death. Christian moralists pronounced anathemas upon her. Many modern editors have exercised "gallantry" and "discretion" by eliminating or changing words or ...

Who Was Sappho of Lesbos? "The Poetess" of Ancient Greece

Learn about the life and work of Sappho, one of the most influential and celebrated poets of antiquity. Discover her themes of love, beauty, and desire, her musical and lyric style, and her legacy as a feminist symbol.

About Sappho - Academy of American Poets

Learn about Sappho, one of the greatest lyric poets from antiquity, who wrote about love and Eros. Read her poems, fragments, and translations, and discover her legacy and influence.

Sappho - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sappho was an Ancient Greek lyrical poet who wrote about passion and love for both men and women. Learn about her life, poetry, and legacy from this article.

Poetry of Sappho - Wikipedia

Learn about the ancient Greek lyric poet Sappho, who wrote around 10,000 lines of poetry, only a small fraction of which survives. Explore the textual history, fragments, and testimonia of her works, as well as the modern editions and translations.

Sappho - New World Encyclopedia

Learn about Sappho, one of the nine canonical lyric poets of ancient Greece, who was praised by Plato as "the tenth Muse". Discover her life, works, influence, and legacy, despite the loss of most of her poetry.
