
set sth in motion造句


set in motion造句_用set in motion造句子三年级|二年级|一年级简单的

set in motion造句. 1、The current chain of events wasset in motion by that kidnapping.(目前的一系列事件都是由那次绑架引发的。; 2、The wheels of change have beenset in motion.(变革的车轮已经开始运转。; 3、Rogue waves are not tsunamis, which areset in motion by earthquakes.(超级巨浪并非是由地震活动引发的海啸。

Put/Set Something in Motion中文 (繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典

put/set something in motion翻譯:使…開始運轉,啟動。了解更多。

Put/Set Something in Motion中文 (简体)翻译:剑桥词典

put/set something in motion翻译:使…开始运转,启动。了解更多。

set in motion造句_用"set in motion"造句 - 查查在线翻译

set in motion的造句和例句: 1. Money to the extent of hundreds of thousands was set in motion .流通的金钱达几十万金元之多。 2. Barbicane, as if he had been set in motion by a spring, raised himself up .巴比康象受到弹簧推动似的,霍地站了起来。内有更多更详细关于set in motion的造句

set something in motion 在英语中的意思 - Cambridge Dictionary

SET SOMETHING IN MOTION的意思、解释及翻译:to begin something: 。了解更多。

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set in motion造句_用"set in motion"造句 - 查查綫上翻譯

用set in motion造句和"set in motion"的例句: 1. Money to the extent of hundreds of thousands was set in motion .流通的金錢達幾十萬金元之多。 2. Barbicane, as if he had been set in motion by a spring, raised himself up .巴比康象受到彈簧推動似的,霍地站了起來。 點擊查看更多set in motion的造句...

set sth in motion造句 - 百度文库

set sth. in motion动词换成put也可以put sth. in motion指的意思是:让一系列事情、流程开始发生;to make a series of events or a process start happening。 set sth in motion造句 set sth in motion造句如下: 1、Please set the wheels in motion.请让那些轮子转起来。

set sth in motion的中文释义 - 沪江网校

沪江词库精选set sth in motion是什么意思、英语单词推荐、set sth in motion的用法、set sth in motion的中文释义、翻译set sth in motion是什么意思

set in motion - Yahoo奇摩字典 搜尋結果

set sth. in motion. 美式. ph. 開動某物. 釋義; 相關詞; ph. 片語. 1. 開動某物 Before he got to the workshop, the machine had been set in motion. 在他到達車間之前,機器已經開動了。
