


Laura Ingalls Wilder, 1867-1957: she wrote nine "Little House...

[C]Sunday 2 am—5 pm.[D]Monday 2 am—5 pm. 14.[A]She shopped.[B]She sewed. [C]She repaired her car.[D]She bought some tobacco. 15.[A]Help the woman.[B]Go home at five o’clock. [C]Type some let...

首推最有价值的小说《South Sea Tales》,值得反复读!

and some of the clothes that Laura sewed while living on the prairie. Visitors can see tools and other things that


He and I were all that were left of the DUCHESS'S complement, and I was pretty well to the bad, while he was helpless now that the shooting was over. Under my direction he ...

Who Are You Wearing?

重新编写的歌曲包括《It’s a Short Stop at the Doc (If You Wanna Chop a Mole)》、《You Sewed Me All Night Long》和《Back is Cracked》。该专辑由智利Ivan Gac和纽约奥尔巴尼Mich...
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