



ShareSDK-社会化登录分享组件 已为60万开发者节省96%开发时间,提供40+主流平台的分享与授权等社会化功能,效果稳定,完整清晰统计分享数据

ShareSDK-for-Android/README_EN.md at master - GitHub

A demo of Share SDK for Android. Contribute to MobClub/ShareSDK-for-Android development by creating an account on GitHub.

GitHub - xyzlf/ShareSDK: 分享SDK,包括微信、朋友圈,微博,QQ,QQ空间等渠道分享。

分享SDK,包括微信、朋友圈,微博,QQ,QQ空间等渠道分享。. Contribute to xyzlf/ShareSDK development by creating an account on GitHub.

MobClub/ShareSDK-for-Android: A demo of Share SDK for Android - GitHub

其中的devInfo为来自社交平台的应用信息。 注:如果您没有在AndroidManifest中设置appliaction的类名,MobSDK会将这个设置为com.mob.MobApplication,但如果您设置了,请在您自己的Application类中调用: MobSDK.init(this); 并且在Manifest清单文件中配置:tools:replace="android:name",如下所示:



sharesdk_plugin | Flutter package - Pub

ShareSDK For Flutter # 这是一个基于ShareSDK功能的扩展的Flutter插件。使用此插件能够帮助您在使用Flutter开发应用时,快速地实现社会化功能,例如第三方授权登录,获取用户信息以及社交平台的分享等功能。

Live Share overview - Teams | Microsoft Learn

Chat and channel tabs. Chat and channel tabs allow users to pin your application to a chat or channel. A tab that supports both sidePanel and content features the same pinned URL, but the use cases are fairly different. For starters, chat and channel tabs generally have more horizontal space to work with.

Live Share getting started - Teams | Microsoft Learn

Live Share data structures. The Live Share SDK includes a set of new distributed-data structures that extend Fluid's DataObject class, providing new types of stateful and stateless objects. Unlike Fluid data structures, Live Share's LiveDataObject classes don't write changes to the Fluid container, enabling faster synchronization. Further, these classes were designed from the ground up for ...

SKD - LinkedIn

SKD | 74 followers on LinkedIn. Transforming Brands and Driving Growth | My mission is simple: to help brands stand out in a crowded marketplace and create meaningful connections with their audience.

MobClub/ShareSDK3.x-for-iOS: ShareSDK 3.x for iOS - GitHub

(2)、Select the ShareSDK file and drag into your project (or just holding down the Control key on your keyboard and click your project,namely right-click your project, and choose "Add Files to …"). then you will see the following window, check the "Copy items into destination group's folder (if needed)" and click "Finish" button.
