


meaning - How to use "sich" - German Language Stack Exchange

Deutschland schafft sich ab. -> Germany abolishes itself. Your first example is a different breed though: In der Presse wie auch im Fernsehen finden sich zunehmend Meldungen über die verheerenden Folgen des Spielens am Computer. -> In the press and on TV, more and more reports on the devastating effects of PC games can be found.

Reflexive Verbs in German Grammar - Lingolia

Types of reflexive verbs. There are three types of reflexive verbs in German: 1. Verbs that are always reflexive. Certain verbs are always reflexive; they can't be used without the reflexive pronoun.. Common examples are: sich bedanken to thank, sich beeilen to hurry, sich befinden to be located, sich benehmen to behave (yourself), sich betrinken to get drunk, sich eignen to agree, sich ...

SICH | translate German to English - Cambridge Dictionary

SICH translate: himself, herself, itself, himself, herself, itself, itself, themselves, themselves, each other, one…. Learn more in the Cambridge German-English ...

Sich - Wikipedia

A sich (Ukrainian: січ), [1] was an administrative and military centre of the Zaporozhian Cossacks. The word sich derives from the Ukrainian verb сікти sikty , "to chop" - with the implication of clearing a forest for an encampment or of building a fortification with the trees that have been chopped down.

English translation of 'sich' - Collins Online Dictionary

English Translation of "SICH" | The official Collins German-English Dictionary online. Over 100,000 English translations of German words and phrases. TRANSLATOR

Reflexive Pronouns in German Grammar - Lingolia

What are the German reflexive pronouns? The reflexive pronouns (Reflexivpronomen) in German grammar are: mich/mir, dich/dir, uns, euch and sich.. We use them with reflexive and reciprocal verbs. Reflexive pronouns always refer to the subject and must be declined to match the case they are in.. Learn how and when to use reflexive pronouns with Lingolia, then practise everything in the exercises.

SICH definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary

SICH definition: of the sort specified or understood | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

sich - Wiktionary, the free dictionary

From Middle High German sich, from Old High German sih, from Proto-Germanic *sek. Compare Yiddish זיך (zikh), Dutch zich. Unrelated to sicher. This pronoun was originally restricted to the accusative case, while simple personal pronouns were used in the dative. Dative use of sich in Middle High German was restricted to northern dialects of ...

sich - Translation in LEO's English ⇔ German Dictionary - leo.org

Reflexivkonstruktion mit unpersönlichem 'sich' Die Tür öffnet sich. Pronomen vor Nomen Bei der Reihenfolge der Satzglieder im → Mittelfeld gilt die starke Tendenz, dass Pronomen vor einer Nomengruppe stehen. Reflexivpronomen Das Reflexivpronomen bezieht sich "zurück" auf das Subjekt des Satzes. Das mit einem Reflexivpronomen Bezeichnete ...

sich translation in English | German-English dictionary - Reverso

Seine dünnhäutige Natur machte es ihm schwer, sich zu entspannen. His highly strung nature made it difficult for him to relax.: Sie wuchs über sich hinaus und trat brillant im Konzert auf.: She rose to the occasion and performed brilliantly in the concert.: Sie weigerte sich zu taktieren und sprach immer ehrlich ihre Meinung aus.: She refused to play politics and always spoke her mind honestly.
