



翻看了“LP”才知这里叫“Wat Ho Slang”。确切说它位于Chao Fa Ngum大街与Kitsarat大街交汇处,而它的北面就是大名鼎鼎的浦西山。作为老挝故都的琅勃拉邦,塔寺林立,一直以来都被称为...

'Jack and the Beanstalk,' told with food-related slang

你是魔鬼吗 Eredeti, szó szerinti jelentése: ördög vagy? Általában akkor használjuk, ha valaki mond vagy csinál valamit, amivel nem értünk egyet. “今天作业也太多...


or more precisely, slang having to do with food. After all, Thanksgiving is just a day away, and the traditional way to celebrate the holiday is with a big, festive meal...


There are many popular but unsubstantiated theories about the origin of eighty-six. The explanation judged most probable according to Merriam-Webster's research is that the...


·《炸弹乱斗(Booom-Slang!)》 ·《纸箱镇(Boxville)》 ·《邪恶巫师(Evil Wizard)》 ·《豪猪镇之秋(Fall of Porcupine)》 ·《分形宇宙(Fractal Space)》 ·《斯盖尔仪式(Sker Ritual...


Since last summer, the young pig has become the topic of countless memes, jokes, and short videos — especially since she was jokingly cast as ashehuiren, a slang term for ...

GDC 2023 ID@Xbox独立游戏试玩活动现已上线Xbox Series X|S Xbox...

1.http://onlineslangdictionary.com/ 这个英美俚语大全网站,提供超过17000个俚语单词,包括但不限于电视节目,电影,新闻出版物等。包含俚语的使用场景,粗俗度,流行度等信息。非语音翻译...
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