


每日一词∣全国土壤普查 national soil census

会议主题为“科学是土壤生物多样性可持续利用和保护的基础”(Science as a basis for the sustainable use and conservation of soil biodiversity)。会议另设6项分主题,分别为:生...


according to a circular released on Feb 16. The census will target soil of arable land, garden plot, forest land, grassland and other agricultural lands around the country ...


For the first time, scientists have grown plants in soil from the moon collected by Nasa’s Apollo astronauts.科学家首次在美国宇航局阿波罗号宇航员从月球上收集的土壤里种出了...

剑桥雅思11Test4Section4听力原文与答案The use of soil to...

Agrisoma Biosciences:一家加拿大农业科技公司,开发 Carinata 种子以生产航空生物喷气燃料,与联合航空公司和法国石油和蛋白质行业公司 Avril Group 合作,使用该公司的种子油完成了...

FASE | 前沿研究:土壤有机碳储量在轮作后如何变化?

Lal first came to the idea that soil might be valuable in this way not through an interest in climate change,but rather out of concern for the land itself and the people dependent on it.Carbon-rich soil is dark,cr...

每日新闻播报(February 18)

Organic carbon stocks in a silty textured soil following reintegration of a 20 years old Miscanthus * giganteus site into a crop rotation 20年奇岗种植位点转为轮作后粉质土壤...


普查时间为2022—2025年。The census aims to find out soil types and distribution around the country, as well as current status and changing trends in soil resources, while a...
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