SUBTLY definition: 1. in a way that is small and difficult to notice or describe, but important: 2. in a way that is…. Learn more.
Subtly definition: . See examples of SUBTLY used in a sentence.
The adverb subtly describes something that's done in a delicate or understated way. You could subtly suggest to your best friend that a breath mint might taste good, rather than telling her straight out that she's got terrible breath.
The meaning of SUBTLE is delicate, elusive. How to use subtle in a sentence. Why is there a 'b' in subtle?
Define subtly. subtly synonyms, subtly pronunciation, subtly translation, English dictionary definition of subtly. adj. sub·tler , sub·tlest 1. a. So slight as to be difficult to detect or describe; elusive: a subtle smile.
Definition of subtly adverb in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more.
Subtly is an adverb meaning in a subtle or delicate way. It is often misspelled as subtly. Learn more about its etymology, frequency, and examples from OED.
Something that is subtle is not obvious: a professional food taster might be able to perceive subtle differences of flavor that most people don't notice.
Subtly definition: With subtleness , in a subtle manner. With cleverness rather than brute force.
SUBTLE definition: 1. not loud, bright, noticeable, or obvious in any way: 2. small but important: 3. achieved in a…. Learn more.