Razer Synapse 3 lets you customize your Razer devices with macros, profiles, lighting effects and more. It also supports Windows Dynamic Lighting, Philips Hue, Amazon Alexa and Chroma Connect modules.
A synapse is a structure that allows neurons to communicate by electrical or chemical signals. Learn about the different types of synapses, their functions, and how they were discovered and named.
Learn about synapse, the site of transmission of electric nerve impulses between neurons or between a neuron and a muscle cell. Find out how neurotransmitters, receptors, and ion channels are involved in chemical and electric synapses.
A synapse is the junction between two neurons that allows a signal to pass between them. Learn about the two main types of synapses: chemical and electrical, and how they differ in speed, strength, and function.
Learn the noun and verb meanings of synapse, a word that refers to the junction between neurons or the act of forming such a junction. See examples, etymology, and related words for synapse.
A synapse is the junction where two neurons communicate without physically touching. Learn about chemical and electrical synapses, how neurons sum up signals, and the role of neurotransmitters and calcium in synaptic transmission.
Learn about the synapse, the junction between two cells that enables signal transmission in the nervous system. Discover the classification, anatomy and function of chemical and electrical synapses.
A synapse is a junction between two neurons or a neuron and a muscle cell or gland. Learn about the two types of synapses (chemical and electrical), their structure, functions, and how they are affected by drugs and caffeine.
Learn about the structure and function of synapses, the sites of communication between neurons and other cells. Find out how neurotransmitters are released, bind to receptors, and are eliminated at chemical synapses.
The synapse is the fundamental functional unit of neuronal communication. Because of this, diseases that target the synapse can present with severe clinical consequences. A few examples are listed below: Myasthenia Gravis Myasthenia gravis is an auto-immune disease process that causes muscle weakness that usually presents in a descending fashion.