


Then vs. Than - What's the Difference? - Merriam-Webster

Learn how to use than for comparisons and then for time with examples and explanations. Avoid confusing these two words that are often pronounced the same and distinguished by only one letter.

Than Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster

The meaning of THAN is —used as a function word to indicate the second member or the member taken as the point of departure in a comparison expressive of inequality—used with comparative adjectives and comparative adverbs. How to use than in a sentence. Is than a conjunction or preposition?: Usage Guide

"Then" vs. "Than": What's The Difference? | Dictionary.com

The answer is than. Then refers to a specific point in time. Than is comparing the time of the phone call to 7 pm and cannot be substituted with another word. The company needs a good accountant more then/than ever. Again, this is a comparison, so the answer is than.

Then vs. Than - When to Use Each (With Examples) - GRAMMARIST

Use than in common phrases like better than, further than, taller than, or broader than. You'll find this word after terms like other, less, more, and rather. In Middle English, then and than used to be the same word used for all their meanings. People used them to show relationships with time and for comparison purposes.

Then vs. Than: What's the Difference? - Writing Explained

Learn how to use then and than correctly in different contexts and avoid common mistakes. Then is usually used for time or order, while than is used for comparison.

"Than" vs. "Then"—What's the Difference? - Grammarly

Than vs. then: What's the difference?. The word than is used for comparisons to show who or what something is compared against. For example,"cats are smarter than dogs." The word then is used to show time, as in "at that time" or "after that happened." For example,"I exercised then took a shower.". When to use than. A conjunction is a word that connects two clauses or ...

Then vs. Than | Meaning, Examples & Sentences - Scribbr

Then to indicate time. Then can be used as an adverb to place events or things in order.It can be used to refer to both past and future points in time. Examples: Then as an adverb The population of New York was less than one million then.. Cook the turkey slowly, and then let it rest for thirty minutes before serving.. We will take a train to the coast and then go to the theater.

THAN | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary

THAN definition: 1. used to join two parts of a comparison: 2. used with "more" or "less" to compare numbers or…. Learn more.

Then vs. Than | Explanation & Examples - Proofed

Then and than are two of the most commonly used words in English. They also sound almost identical yet have completely different meanings - making it a little tricky sometimes to know which one to use. In this post, we'll outline the differences between than and then and provide helpful examples to demonstrate the use of each word. When to ...

Then vs. Than (When to Use Each, Differences, Examples)

You can use 'than' when you want to point out a difference. For instance, "You are stronger than her." It can be used for comparisons. For instance, "I love country music more than I love pop songs." Use of 'than' in sentences. These examples tell us how 'than' can be used in sentences and to indicate what: He is older than ...
