Thee, thou, and thine (or thy) are Early Modern English second person singular pronouns.Thou is the subject form (nominative), thee is the object form, and thy/thine is the possessive form.. Before they all merged into the catch-all form you, English second person pronouns distinguished between nominative and objective, as well as between singular and plural (or formal):
The meaning of THEE is —used especially in ecclesiastical or literary language and by Friends especially among themselves in contexts where the objective case form would be expected. How to use thee in a sentence.
Learn how to use the archaic personal pronouns thou, thee, thy, thine and ye in Middle English and modern fiction. See examples, grammar rules and etymology of these words.
Thee is an old form of you, used when speaking to one person. Learn how to pronounce thee and see translations in different languages.
Understanding when to use the vs. thee is crucial for proper English usage.The is the definite article used before a noun to indicate that the noun is known to the reader, whereas thee is an archaic or dialectal pronoun used as the object form of 'thou,' which means 'you'.The is used in contemporary English, while thee is primarily found in historical contexts, religious texts, and regions ...
Learn the meanings and usage of the word thee in different languages and contexts. Thee can be a pronoun, a verb, a noun, or an article, depending on the language and the grammar.
Thee is an old-fashioned, poetic, or religious word for 'you' when you are talking to only one person. It is used as the object of a verb or preposition. See examples, synonyms, pronunciation, and word origin of 'thee'.
Thee is the objective case of thou, an archaic form of you, used mainly by the Society of Friends. Learn how to pronounce, translate and use thee in different contexts with examples and synonyms.
Thee is an archaic pronoun that means you in the objective case. It is used mainly in some elevated or ecclesiastical prose, or by Quakers. Learn more about its history, usage and examples.
Learn the difference between "thee" and "thou", which are archaic forms of "you" in English. See how they are used as object and subject pronouns, and where they are still used today.