Learn about the six types of Towhees in North America, large sparrows with long tails and reddish-brown sides. Find out how to identify them by their appearance, song, and behavior, and where to see them in the wild or in your backyard.
Towhee is a genus of birds in the family Passerellidae, with longer tails than other sparrows. Learn about the different species, their taxonomy, distribution, and characteristics.
Learn about the Eastern Towhee, a common sparrow of the East with bold black and reddish-brown plumage. Find out how to identify, attract, and protect this bird from parasitic cowbirds and threats to its habitat.
Learn about the Spotted Towhee, a widespread and common bird of the West, with rusty and white plumage, white spots, and harsh songs. Find out its habitat, behavior, diet, nesting, and conservation status.
Learn about the eastern towhee, a large New World sparrow with rufous sides, a white belly, and a long dark tail. Find out its distribution, taxonomy, description, behavior, ecology, and conservation status.
Learn about the Eastern Towhee, a common sparrow-like bird with a dark hood and rusty sides, and a distinctive song. Find out its habitat, range, behavior, diet, nesting, and conservation status.
Eastern Towhee (Pipilo erythrophthalmus) is a striking and distinctive bird species native to the eastern United States. With their bold black and rust-colored plumage and unmistakable "drink-your-tea" call, they are a common sight and sound in shrubby habitats across their range.
Learn about the six types of towhees that are native to North America, their range maps, images and behavior. Towhees are shy ground feeding birds who spend their time hiding in the undergrowths and tangles of bushes.
Learn about the Spotted Towhee, a large sparrow with a thick bill, long tail, and black or gray head and upperparts. Find out how to identify it by sight and sound, where to see it, and what it eats.
The Eastern Towhee has the coloring of an American Robin but with similar features to a House Sparrow. Male Towhees have a chalky black head and wings with an orange breast. It may look like a Robin, but certain features give it away as an Easter Towhee. The beak of the Eastern Towhee has a triangular shape similar to a Sparrow that is jet black.