try out
TRY SOMETHING OUT definition: 1. to use something to discover if it works or if you like it: 2. a test to see how useful or…. Learn more.
How to use tryout in a sentence. an experimental performance or demonstration: such as; a test of the ability (as of an athlete or actor) to fill a part or meet standards… See the full definition
Synonyms for TRY (OUT): test, sample, examine, check (out), feel (out), explore, investigate, study, experiment (with), research
3 meanings: 1. to test or put to experimental use 2. US and Canadian (of an athlete, actor, etc) to undergo a test or to submit.... Click for more definitions.
To try is to make an attempt to do something (or not).. I try not to eat too much saturated fat. I try to run five miles every day. To try out can mean either to attempt to qualify for a team sport. Sheila plans to try out for the cheerleading squad. or, when used with an object, to see whether one wants to qualify something for possible use or purchase.
put to the test, as for its quality, or give experimental use to
They're trying out a new presenter for the show. related noun tryout. Definitions on the go. Look up any word in the dictionary offline, anytime, anywhere with the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary app. See try out in the Oxford Advanced American Dictionary. Other results All matches. try out for ;
TRYOUT definition: 1. a competition for a position on a team or a part in a play: 2. a test of something to see if it…. Learn more.
The idea with "try out" is that you attempt something for a short period and see if the results are acceptable for you. Try out or try-out "Try-out" is the noun form of "try out". the noun form uses a hyphen and is usually used in American English when a person attempts to join a team that has a limited amount of players.
Learn how to use try and try out correctly in different contexts and situations. Try means to attempt or test something, while try out means to evaluate or experiment with something new.