UNGKA is a project of the Malaysian Primatological Society and Universiti Sains Malaysia that aims to study and protect gibbons in Peninsula Malaysia. Learn about the songs, conservation work, educational program and citizen science program of UNGKA.
Ungka adalah sejenis mawas dalam keluarga Hylobatidae yang tinggal di pedalaman hutan di Asia Tenggara dan Asia Selatan. Artikel ini menjelaskan taksonomi, anatomi, tabiat, pemakanan, status pemuliharaan, dan budaya ungka.
A research and conservation project on small apes (gibbons and siamangs) in Peninsular Malaysia. The project invites contributors to share their observations and location data to create an action plan for the conservation of Malaysian small apes.
Ungka is a project by Pang Yi Heng, a master's student at USM, to study the distribution and abundance of agile gibbons, a critically endangered primate species in Peninsular Malaysia. The project aims to provide data and action plan for gibbon conservation and raise awareness of the threats they face.
Ungka adalah kera di dalam keluarga Hylobatidae yang dapat berayun dan bipedal. Ungka dapat ditemui di hutan hujan tropis dan subtropis Asia, dan makan buah-buahan, tunas, daun, biji, dan serangga.
Scientists discover a new subspecies of white-handed gibbons (Hylobates lar) living in the south of Malaysia. The gibbons are undergoing rehabilitation at Pulau Ungka, a semi-wild enclosure, before being released back to the wild.
UNGKA is a project that studies the distribution, abundance, and conservation status of gibbons in Peninsula Malaysia. It is one of the projects under the Malaysian Primatological Society, which aims to promote primate research and conservation in the country.
Ungka tangan putih adalah spesies ungka yang tinggal di Asia Tenggara dan Sumatera. Ia berwarna coklat dengan bulu putih di muka dan tangan, dan makan buah-buahan yang masak sahaja.
Gibbon knew as Ungka in Malaysia. According to the research, gibbons and figs have been found to be closely related both within and outside Borneo. Gibbons a...
Local Name: Ungka Tangan Putih Scientific Name: Hylobates lar Diet: Ripe fruits, young leaves, shoots and insects Type: Omnivorous Habitat: Up on the trees in the jungles and forests Lifespan: 25 years Description: Lar gibbon has a ring of white fur around its black-furred face as well as white fur on its legs and hands Acquired from: Melaka's Wildlife and Zoo