


Emperor urges Japan to be 'open to the outside'

https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-11898607/Selena-Gomez-breaks-silence-feud-Hailey-Bieber-urges-fans-stop-hate.html#comments QueenOf_Pop:海莉小姐不作不死,下次麻烦请找你那隐形的老公别找赛琳娜了谢谢 ...

China urges US military to restrain behaviors to avoid...

Retiring Japanese Emperor Akihito stressed the desire for peace and urged his country to be open to the world with sincerity at a ceremony marking 30 years of his reign on Sunday.

Huawei's founder Ren Zhengfei urges focus on profit, cash...

BEIJING, Aug. 28 -- “China urges the US to immediately stop provocations, strictly manage and control its maritime and air military operations, strictly restrain the behaviors of its front-line naval and air forces, so...

新闻英语@SCIO 国新办新闻提要:News outline for March 17

Huawei's founder Ren Zhengfei urges focus on profit, cash flow, and survival amid a global economic downturn ahead in a chilling internal email to employees By Greg Gao Ren Zhengfei, the founder of China’s tech giant...


5、China urges AUKUS countries to earnestly fulfill non-proliferation obligations, 中国督促美英澳切实履行核不扩散义务 China on Wednesday urged the U.S., the UK and Australi...

【双语】例行记者会/Regular Press Conference(2023-3-22)

urges Grandfather Smallweed, pulling out a lean old silver watch with hands like the leg of a skeleton. "I told him it was probable I might call upon him between ten and el...

「双语」例行记者会/Regular Press Conference(2023-3-15)

Wang Wenbin: China has noted relevant reports. The Israeli official’s wrong remarks are irresponsible and will escalate the current tensions between Palestine and Israel...

Netherlands to Restrict Semiconductor Tech Exports to China

China urges the US, the UK and Australia to earnestly fulfill their non-proliferation obligations and refrain from undermining the authority and efficacy of the IAEA’s saf...
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